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Camp Hood Photo Gallery
Major General Andrew D. Bruce, second from right, stands with Camp Hood's official plane.
Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
A few men are shown crossing the hurdle section of the Tank Hunting obstacle course. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch. #2016
Sgt. Jeff Cott demonstrates the proper rifle position for battle firing as part of the Tank Hunting course. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch. #2337
A large group of soldiers navigate the Tank Hunting obstacle course. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch. #5011
In the distance, battle conditioning of the soldiers can be seen at a couple different portions of course #1. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch. #2335
Three soldiers crawl under barbed wire as part of their training. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Soldiers dodge real explosions during infiltration training on the Tank Hunting course. Some of the men are carrying sticks of dynamite and sticky bombs for use against enemy emplacements. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch. #3078
A somewhat closer view of course #1 and its obstacles. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Tank destroyer soldiers also train to fight from a trench, on the Tank Hunting course. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch. #4594
Soldiers crawling through an area covered by barbed wire. Although hard to see, there is a man firing a machine gun, just over their heads. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Unarmed or hand-to-hand combat was another important part of the Tank Hunting course. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch. #2358
Soldiers review their striking technique for hand-to-hand fighting. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Dated September 24, 1942, a mock-up of a Japanese tank helps the soldiers envision what they will be up against in the field. The model was built by the First Group AUTC (Advanced Unit Training Center). Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch. #2409
Individual soldiers on the Tank Hunting course, practice throwing sticky grenades, at moving targets. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch. #845
Materials used for the building of a sticky grenade: String, a G.I. Sock, Cap, Fuze, Dynamite, Gelatin and Grease. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch. #1809
A building in Nazi Village #3, provides experiences for door to door fighting. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch. #T-2
A soldier armed with a .45 automatic, illustrates the proper firing position, for battle conditions. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch. #11684
Snakes were a concern throughout the entire Camp Hood facility. They also made for interesting targets with a handgun. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Close examination of the snake clearly identifies that it did not die naturally. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Another image of buildings in Nazi Village #3. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch. #7008
Destroyed buildings and wreckage in Nazi Village #3. All part of the facility's Tank Hunting course. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch. #7006
A right side view of the M3 GMC (Gun Motor Carriage). The unit was equipped with a 75mm gun and had a top speed of about 43 mph. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Lines of M10 GMC (Gun Motor Carriage) units stand in wait for training exercises. The M10s were equipped with a 3 inch gun and had a top speed of about 32 mph. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
An M10 GMC fires at a distant target. The unit is nicknamed "Dry Run" possibly because it was being used for practice rather than enemy targets. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
An M10 takes a cross-country drive over rough terrain. Note the gun is pointed rear-ward in the travel position. The driver and assistant driver's heads can be seen on the right and left, just above the hull, below the turret. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Another photo of an M10's cross-country movements. The M10 is probably moving at top speed since the left track is partially off the ground. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Battalion Inspection. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
A towed 3" anti-tank gun being used for target practice. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
An M10 traverses a field of debris. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Soldiers practice on the range with what looks like Browning air-cooled .30 caliber machine guns. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch.
Members of the Drum and Bugle Corps of the 801st Tank Destroyer Battalion. At the time, they was attached to the II Corps. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch. #2475
The formal opening of the Officer's Club by Major General Andrew D. Bruce addressing the guests. Seen among the guests is Post Commander, Col. Charles M. Thirlkeld and his wife, shown fourth and third from the right. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch. #2482
Major General Andrew D. Bruce organized, built and administered the Tank Destroyer Center at Fort Hood from 1941, till May of 1943. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch. #8031
Sgt. John M. Castle, a Tank Hunting instructor, demonstrates proper battle firing position. Photo provided courtesy of the MCoE (Maneuver Center of Excellence) Museum Division Archives, Armor Branch. #3052
The 2nd Armored Division performed occupational duty after WWII but returned to Fort Hood in 1946, to retrain and rebuild their unit. This photo was taken in September of 1946, of their Headquarters building, which was the former HQ of the Tank Destroyer Forces. The facility was now under the control of 4th Army and Major General John W. Leonard, Commanding General of the 2nd Armored Division, and he became Commanding General of Camp Hood on May 9, 1946. The former post commander, Colonel O.P. Houston became Deputy Post Commander. Photo courtesy of Henry Anderson.
Photo courtesy of Jack Whitt.