Thank you for contacting our site. Hello, my name is Rob Haldeman and I am the founder of the website. What started out as a way to honor my father has now expanded to honor and document all Tank Destroyer units and the veterans that served in them.

We would love to include your veteran in the Honoree area of the site. We do small biographical write-ups on each man by using information supplied by the veteran themselves, the veteran’s family or friends. We also need at least one photo of the veteran but additional photos are welcome too. Photos from a wedding or later in life add variety and interest to the Honoree page. A grave marker image can also be added.
We have copied or basic list of questions below. You can copy the list into an email or into a document, which you can send to us via email or by mail if you choose. We also have the questions available as a PDF document, which you can download from the highlighted link: (PDF file click here)
The questions cover the veteran’s entire life since we believe these men served our country in war but also in life and therefore their lives should be celebrated in its entirety. Please fill out as much information as you can but only include information you feel comfortable sharing. Any additional information or documents can be sent to us by email or by postal mail. Our email and mailing address can be found listed below or on our Contact page.
There is no cost for this service and you will have final say as to what’s written. When we have completed our portion of the tribute, we will send you a link and you will have an opportunity to identify any changes or corrections that are needed. You can see examples of these write-ups if you go to Homepage and pick “People” from the left menu or click on the large Current Honorees image.
All materials can be emailed to the address listed below or to our mailing address. Please reference the veteran’s name in any emails that you send.
Mailing Address: 316 S. Reamstown Road, Ephrata, PA 17522
Personal Information for Honoree Area. Please fill out as much information as you can. Only include information you feel comfortable sharing.
1.) Full Name of Honoree:
2.) Date of Birth:
3.) Place of Birth:
4.) Father’s Name:
5.) Mother’s (Full) Maiden Name:
6.) Early Schools He Attended:
7.) College Attended (if applicable):
8.) Year of Graduation:
9.) Job/s before WWII:
10.) Wife’s (Full) Maiden Name:
11.) Wife’s Father’s (Full) Name:
12.) Wife’s Mother’s (Full) Maiden Name:
13.) Wife’s Place of Birth:
14.) Honoree’s Marriage Date:
15.) City and State of Residence:
16.) Children’s Names and Year of Birth or Quantity and Gender:
17.) Job(s) after WWII:
18.) Hobbies:
19.) Organizations/Memberships:
20.) Date of Death (if applicable):
21.) Place Buried (if applicable):
22.) Tank Destroyer Unit/s served with:
23.) Places stationed:
24.) Awards if known:
25.) Highest Rank:
26.) Additional Information:
27.) YOUR NAME and Relationship to Honoree: