Kull, Robert F. (6th Grp)

Robert F. Kull 1Robert F. Kull

Biography:  Robert Francis Kull, “Bob or Bobby”, was born on July 11, 1908, in Johnstown, Pennsylvania. He was one of seven children, four boys and three girls born to Charles Edgar Kull and Augusta “Gussie” Schnurr of Southmont, PA. He attended local schools through the grammar level.

On May 19, 1930, he married Jean Marlene Yoder in Cuyahoga County, Ohio, She was born in Johnstown, PA, and was the daughter of John Anthony Flynn and Minnie Yoder.  The new couple would make their home in Johnstown. His draft card, dated October 1940, shows he was employed by the Engineering Department of the City of Johnstown.

Service Time:  Bob entered the Army on August 11, 1943, in Altoona, PA. He joined the 6th Tank Destroyer Group on Jan. 18, 1945, from the 190th Replacement Company.  The 6th had joined the XIII Corps of the Ninth Army back in the fall of 1944 and acted as their Anti-Tank section, moving into Holland in November and then moving into Germany on March 16, 1945. Morning Reports from July identify him as being promoted to the rank of Technician 5th grade on the 17th of that month. After the war ended, the unit was assigned to the 3rd Army area of control and provided personnel for a variety of security tasks at facilities including PWE-29 (Prisoner of War Enclosure #29) at the Dachau Concentration Camp near Dachau, Germany and at Bad Aibling, Germany where the 3rd Army had its Headquarters. Bob left the service on November 7th at Indiantown Gap, PA.

In addition to Bob, Jean also served in the military as an Army WAC (Women’s Army Corps), from September 1944 to December 1945.

Robert F. Kull 3Robert F. Kull 4


After leaving the service, Bob returned to Johnstown where he worked as a Civil Engineer with the Sheehan Construction Company.  He passed away on January 20, 1984, and was buried in the Grandview Cemetery, Johnstown, PA. Jean passed away in 2016, at the age of 103. She was still living in Johnstown at the time of her death.

I want to thank Bob’s distant relative, Bob Cousins, for providing both information and photos of Bob and Jean. Thank you also to Find A Grave contributor B. Felix for the use of the grave marker photo.

Robert F. Kull Grave marker