Minot, Wayland M. (771st)

Wayland M. Minot 2Wayland M. Minot

Biography:  Wayland Manning Minot was born on October 23, 1889, in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He was the son of Robert Sedgwick Minot and Abby Howe Manning and attended the Noble & Greenough school through the 12th grade. During his time at the school, he participated in track, baseball and football.

He continued his education at Harvard, where he played halfback on the football team and was an All-American in 1909, gaining the nickname “Dono”. He also received his varsity letter for baseball as an outfielder. In addition to sports, he was a member of the Institute of 1770, Delta Kappa Epsilon, the Phoenix Club, the Hasty Pudding Society and others. He graduated from the school in 1911, and found work as a bond salesman for a local investment firm, William A. Reed & Company.

Wayland kept up his athletics by playing Battery A football in the fall and Battery A hockey during the winter. He was also a back-up player for the Pilgrim A.A. hockey team.

On April 12, 1913, at St. Leo’s Church in Boston, MA, he married the former Hanna Marie Shaughnessy, who was born in Dublin, Ireland and was the daughter of John P. Shaughnessey and Hannah Connor. The new couple would have five children, Ruth, born in 1914, Wayland Jr. in 1915, Anna in 1918, Elizabeth in 1922, and Herbert in 1925. 

Service Time:  Wayland entered the Army on April 9, 1917, serving as a 1st Lieutenant with C Battery of the 1st Field Artillery through June 21st. He was promoted to Captain and continued with the unit until September 22nd. From that date until May 26, 1918, he served with the 182nd Field Artillery of the AEF (American Expeditionary Forces) and then with F Battery of the AEF. He then was assigned served to the 1st Field Artillery of the AEF until April 29, 1919, at the rank of Major. 

Wayland M. Minot 1After his WWI service, in the late 20s, Wayland took a position as the Parks Commissioner of Cambridge, MA. He and the family were living in Cambridge at the time. In 1931, he was hired by H.C. Wainwright & Company of Boston as an investment counselor. In 1932, he was working for Investment Indicators, Inc. and was the New England Manager for Distributors Group, Inc.

He was reappointed as a Major on February 11, 1927, and promoted to Lt. Colonel on January 30, 1932, and then reappointed as Lt. Col. on January 1937. He took command of the 71st Antitank Battalion of the 71st Field Artillery Brigade, which was stationed at Fort Ethan Allen, Vermont and was the first commander of the 771st Tank Destroyer Battalion when they were activated on December 15, 1941. Wayland’s time with the unit was limited to the early stages of their training since he was forced to leave the unit, in 1942, due to illness.

The next year, he was hired by Amott Baker & Company, as Manager of their Boston office. He was in that position until 1955, when he was hired by the investment firm of Paul D. Sheeline & Company as an Associate. In his spare time, he worked with the Boy Scouts and was on their Executive Board of the Boy Scout Council in Cambridge. Hewas also a member of the Tennis & Racquet Club and Y.D. Club of Boston. The family moved to Belmont, MA, in the late 40s.

Wayland passed away on November 20, 1957 and was buried in the Forest Hills Cemetery in Boston, MA.