Tank Destroyer Forces – WWII by Lonnie Gill

Tank-Destroyer-Forces---GilTank Destroyer Forces – WWII.  This is certainly the definitive book on the tank destroyers and the men that served in them.  Published in an over-sized 9 x 12 format and at 304 pages, it was the first book I purchased on the subject and it set the stage for everything else I would read.  Every TD unit is listed along with its actions during the war. It features more than 2,000 photographs, some in color, accompanied by maps, personal stories, charts, and nearly 1,000 individual biographies of Tank Destroyer veterans.  A roster of almost thirteen thousand members of the various individual TD battalion associations is also included.  Expertly written by Lonnie Gill, the Honorary Historian for the Tank Destroyer Association, the book matches his personal interest in the subject, along with the contributions from many of those that served in the units, to provide an accurate and detailed volume.  Mr. Gill teamed up with Turner Publishing Company, an award winning independent publisher of specialty and trade titles, and together they have created a quality book that everyone interested in the Tank Destroyers should have.

At this time though, the book is out of print and not available from the publisher.  You can try to find one used or wait for one to show up on Ebay but I have been in touch with Turner and they tell me they are planning to produce the book again in the fall of 2010.  By going to their website and placing an order for one, your name will be added to a list to get one when they are available.  You can go directly to the order page by clicking here.