608th Tank Destroyer Battalion

Unit History:  Formed on December 15, 1941, at Ft. Jackson, SC, as a Light Towed Battalion. Moved to Camp Atterbury, Indiana on June 9, 1943, and deactivated on December 20, 1943.  Personnel were transferred to other battalions, including the 607th, 610th, 643rd and the 807th.

Combat Equipment:  N/A

Commanding Officers:  Major Ennis (Original CO);  Captain Moore;  Lt. Col. Paschal H. Ringsdorf;  Lt. Col. John F. Patrick;  Lt. Col. Howard H. Arbury

Code Name/s:  N/A

Campaign Credits:  Continental U.S. Service Only

Awards:  None

Additional Information/Materials:

1.)  Transfer Listing of 608th Personnel – This document was compiled by Bernard J. Haas, starting in 1943 when the unit was broken up.  There are a number of transfers that are unknown, plus there was no Officer transfer information available.

2.)  “The Lost Battalion” – A Short Unit History.  Courtesy of the Tank Destroyer Association by L. L. Gill, TDA Historian.

3.)  Photo of Pioneer Company 608th TD Bn – The photo was taken at Fort Jackson, SC, on May 5th, 1942, by A & S Photo Service Company of 1102 Lady St. Columbia, SC.  Commanding Officer was 1st Lt. Curtis H. Adams and second in command was 2nd Lt. Charles B. Herrington.  My father, Robert L. Haldeman is in the first standing row from the front, eighth from the left.   WARNING LARGE FILE – PLEASE BE PATIENT

NOTICE!!  I received an email from Jack Hilliard who identified that he was also in the Pioneer Company photo.  He is sitting in the second row, 7th from the left, right in front of my father.  He was also able to identify a number of other personnel.  Thank you Jack!  Here is a list of them:

Lucian Bunch – First row, 11th from the left

Jack Baker (TN) – Second row, 2nd from the left

Robert Meade – Second row, 5th from the left

Woodford Nabors (MS) – Second row, 13th from the left

Richard Chestnut (Ty Ty, GA) – Second row, 14th from the left.  Richard went to Officers Candidate School after the photo.

1st Sgt. Greene – Second row, 15th from the left

1st Lt. Curtis Adams – Second row, 16th from the left

2nd Lt. Charles Herrington – Second Row, 17th from the left

Sgt. McGuire – Second row, 18th from the left

Just received another contact from Renee Repak who has identified her grandfather, Herman Finley McAfoose, as also being in the photo.  He is standing in the top row, 10th man from the left.  Herman was ultimately transferred to the 807th.

4.)  Company A Group Photo – The photo was also taken at Fort Jackson, SC, but on May 11th, 1942, by A & S Photo Service Company of 1102 Lady St. Columbia, SC.  Commanding Officer was 1st Lt. William H. Smith and second in command was 2nd Lt. William C. Lassiter. This photo was provided courtesy of Adam Donaldson, whose relative, Robert C. Lucas served in A Company. I am not positive but we believe he is shown in the second row, 7th from the right. Robert went on to serve in B Co. of the 643rd but sadly was KIA on April 2, 1945.

5.)  Reorganization Directive – December 5, 1943.  From the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum and Boyhood Home, Abilene, Kansas.

6.)  Inactivation and Reorganization Order – December 15, 1943.  Courtesy of William Jackson.

7.)  Photo Gallery