818th Tank Destroyer Battalion


Unit History:  Activated on 15 December 1941 at Fort Sill, Oklahoma.  Arrived in North Ireland on 1 November, 1943.  Landed in France on D+36 with M10’s. Advanced across France during August and September to the area of Metz.  Supported operations along the Saar until December, then transferred to the Ardennes sector.  Participated in race across Germany beginning in March, 1945. Converted to M36’s prior to mid-April.  Ended the war in Kienberg, Czechoslovakia.  Attached to: 5th, 26th Infantry divisions.  History text from the book The Tank Killers by Harry Yeide.  Used by permission.

Combat Equipment: 7/44 – M10; 2/45 – M36

Commanding Officers:  Major John E. Buxton (Original CO);  Lt. Col. John M. Reynolds (2/5/42);  Lt. Col. Clebert L. Hail (9/9/42)

Code Name/s:  Historic

Campaign Credits:    Normandy…………………..Jun. 6, to Jul. 24, 1944

                                     Northern France……………Jul. 25, to Sept. 14, 1944

                                     Rhineland……………………Sept. 15, 1944 to Mar. 21, 1945

                                     Ardennes-Alsace…………..Dec. 16, 1944 to Jan 25, 1945

                                     Central Europe……………..Mar. 22, to May 11, 1945

Awards:  Distinguished Unit Citation – 23-25 Dec 44, WD GO 79-47, Co A, 1st Platoon only

Location August 1945:  Burik, Germany

Additional Information/Materials:

1.)  818th Tank Destroyer Battalion website – Very detailed site, designed and constructed by Ronnie Boring and maintained by Robert Bowles.

2.)  History and Combat Operations – Unit History and overview of combat actions in the ETO.  Courtesy of the Tank Destroyer Association by L. L. Gill, TDA Historian.

3.)  Unit History – A short history from activation on December 15, 1941 through inactivation on October 30, 1945.  Courtesy of the Tank Destroyer Association by L. L. Gill, TDA Historian.

The following documents are from the Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum and Boyhood Home, Abilene, Kansas.

4.)  After Action Reports

          Oct. 23 – Nov. 30, 1944……4 Pages

          Dec. 1-31, 1944……………..5 Pages

          Jan. 1-31, 1945……………..5 Pages

          Feb. 1-28, 1945……………..5 Pages

          March 1-31, 1945…………..5 Pages

          April 1-30, 1945…………….5 Pages

          May 1-9, 1945……………….6 Pages

5.)  Unit Histories

          Oct. 22-Dec. 31, 1944……..9 Pages (Includes casualties & awards)

          Jan. 1-31, 1945……………..7 Pages (Includes officer roster, casualties & awards)

          April 1-30, 1945…………….5 Pages (Includes officer roster, casualties & awards)

6.)  Misc. Documents

             Field Orders, 1944-45……..5 Pages

             Short article on the 818th…1 Page

7.)  Company B Group Photo – Taken at Fort Dix, New Jersey on October 11, 1943, which was just 9 days before they would ship out for the the E.T.O. Fort Dix served as the final training and staging ground for many units preparing to ship overseas.

8.)  Recon. Company Group Photo – Taken at the same place and on the same day as the B Company photo, Fort Dix, New Jersey and on October 11, 1943, which was just 9 days before they would ship out for the the E.T.O. Unfortunately I didn’t have the complete photo so the image is slightly incomplete.

8.)  Pictorial Review 1942 – A 17 page excerpt from the 18th Field Artillery Brigade Pictorial History published in early 1942. The 818th had originated from the 18th FA Brigade. Both former and correct commanding officers are shown as well as a brief history with images and listing of personnel from HQ, Recon, A, B and C Company. The unit was not at its peak yet, with only a minimum of personnel from B and C Companies being shown.

9.)  Photo Gallery