828th Tank Destroyer Battalion (AA)

Unit History:  Formed on May 30, 1942, at Fort Knox, KY, as a Heavy Self-Propelled unit.  Unit was disbanded on Dec. 7, 1943, at Fort Huachuca, AZ and its personnel transferred to the 150th, 373rd, 390th, 393rd and 394th Quartermaster Truck Companies.

Combat Equipment:  N/A

Commanding Officers:  Lt. Col. George M. O’Connor (5/30/42-Exec. Officer 6/4/42);  Lt. Col. Harvey Shelton (6/4/42);  Major Wilson L. Burley (10/31/42);  Capt. Gilbert S. Holbrook (11/25/43)

Code Name/s:  N/A

Campaign Credits:   Continental U.S. Service Only

Awards:  None

Additional Information/Materials:

1.)  Miscellaneous Documents – from the National Archives and Records Administration, College Park, Maryland.

      General Orders #2, Awards, Oct. 21, 1943………………………2 Pages

      Various Docs., 1942-1943………………………………………….15 Pages

NOTE- These are the only records available from the National Archives.  If you have any information regarding the 828th TD Bn, please contact us.  We would be happy to post them here.