4th Tank Destroyer Group

Unit History:  Unit was activated at Camp Hood, TX, on Sep. 1, 1942.  The unit moved to Fort Lewis, WA, on Feb 15, 1943, as part of IX Corps.  Transferred to IV Corps on Mar. 15, 1943, and then into III Corps on Jan. 15, 1944.  The unit was prepared for shipment at Camp Kilmer, NJ, on Apr. 10, 1944, and then shipped from the New York Port of Embarkation on Apr. 21, 1944.  Arrived in England on Apr. 26, 1944, and later shipped to France, landing on Jul. 19, 1944.  Supported the XX Corps and acted as their Anti-Tank Section.  Moved into Germany on Dec. 6, 1944.  They shipped back to the U.S., arriving at the Boston Port of Embarkation on Jul. 27, 1945.  They then moved to Fort Jackson, SC, on Sep. 2, 1945, where the unit was eventually deacticated on Oct. 26, 1945.  Attached/Supported: IX, IV, III, and XX Corps.  Information gathered from WWII Order of Battle by Shelby L. Stanton.

Combat Equipment:  N/A

Commanding Officers:  Colonel Samuel R. Browning

Code Name/s:  Cottontail

Campaign Credits:   Normandy…………………..Jun. 6, to Jul. 24, 1944

                                 Northern France……………Jul. 25, to Sept. 14, 1944

                                 Rhineland……………………Sept. 15, 1944 to Mar. 21, 1945

                                 Ardennes-Alsace…………..Dec. 16, 1944 to Jan 25, 1945

                                 Central Europe……………..Mar. 22, to May 11, 1945

Awards:  None

Location August 1945:  Unknown

Additional Information/Materials:

1.  Photo Gallery