11th Tank Destroyer Group

Unit History:  Unit was activated at Camp Bowie, TX on Feb. 20, 1943.  The unit moved to Camp Hood, TX on Mar. 23, 1943.  Assigned to the Third Army and moved to the Louisiana Maneuver Area on Jul. 17, 1943.  Transferred to Camp Swift, TX on Aug. 25, 1943, and attached to VIII Corps.  Returned to Louisiana Maneuver Area on Sep. 16, 1943, and attached to XVIII Corps on Nov. 8, 1943.  Returned to Camp Swift, TX, on Nov. 19, 1943, and were attached to the XXIII Corps on Feb. 1, 1944.  Moved to Camp Howze, TX, on May 5, 1944, and were deactivated there on May 25, 1944.  Attached/Supported: Third Army, VIII, XVIII and XXIII Corps.  Information gathered from WWII Order of Battle by Shelby L. Stanton.

Combat Equipment:  N/A

Commanding Officers:  Col. Mark A. Devine Jr.

Code Name/s:  N/A

Campaign Credits:   Continental U.S. Service Only

Awards:  None

Additional Information/Materials:

    1.)  Miscellaneous Documents-from the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum, Abilene, Kansas.   

            General Orders #72, Unit Assignments, July 21, 1943…………………………2 Pages

     2.)  HQ Company Group Photo – Shown in first row, 7th from left, is the Group Commander, Col. Mark A. Devine.  He had previously been the Commanding Officer of the Officer Candidate Regiment, at the Tank Destroyer School, Camp Hood, TX.  He was one of the original staff members of the school.  The photo was taken at Camp Swift, Texas, during one of the two occasions the unit was stationed there.  Photo courtesy of Paul Stevens.