24th Tank Destroyer Group

Unit History:  Unit was activated at Camp Hood, TX on Jun. 19, 1943 and attached to XXIII Corps on Feb. 18, 1944 and Fourth Army on Sep. 19, 1944. The unit was deactivated on Dec. 23, 1944.  Attached/Supported: Fourth Army and XXIII Corps. Information gathered from WWII Order of Battle by Shelby L. Stanton.

Combat Equipment:  N/A

Commanding Officers:  Lt. Col. Chester E. Sargent (Original CO), Lt. Col. Paschal H. Ringsdorf (1/7/44), Col. Earl Bacon (9/8/44)

Code Name/s:  Unknown

Campaign Credits:   Continental U.S. Service Only

Awards:  None

Additional Information/Materials:

1.   Headquarters Company Photo – A group photo of 36 men commanded by Cpt. Howard ???? and 1st Sgt. James McCreight. Taken by C. Ekmark of San Antonio, Texas and probably at Camp Hood, TX, where the unit was activated. Provided courtesy of Truli Powell, whose great-uncle Ernest W. Thomas, is shown in the second row, 6th from the left.