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640th TD Battalion
A photo from a reunion of the 640th Tank Destroyer Battalion held in Las Vegas, NV. Shown is Alfredo Villalobos Jr. on far left with Peter Fortunato in center. Man on right is unknown. Alfredo served in HQ Company and Peter in B Company. Photo courtesy of Larry Villalobos.
Another photo from a reunion of the 640th Tank Destroyer Battalion held in Las Vegas, NV. Shown is Alfredo Villalobos Jr. on right with an unknown man from the unit. Alfredo was known as "Bull" due to his short, stocky build. Photo courtesy of Larry Villalobos.
Shown is Peter Fortunato of B Company sitting in center with what looks like his TD crew. Photo courtesy of John Giacchino.
Shown is a group from the 640th Tank Destroyer Battalion. Soldiers are identified as L to R kneeling, Kalich, Peter Fortunato and Cody with L To R standing, Casey, Stephens, Fried and Turner. Photo courtesy of John Giacchino.
Sergeant Major and 1st Sergeants of the 640th while stationed at Guadalcanal and attached to the 40th Infantry Division. Shown L to R is SGM Laurence E. Puffpaff. Dundee, IL, 1st Sgt. George A. Kretik, Los Angeles, 1st Sgt. Howard D. Knight, Cedar City, UT, 1st Sgt. Valoran W. Samuelson, Salt Lake City, UT, 1st Sgt. Wilbert A. Schulte, Darfur, MN. Dated 4-13-44. Signal Corps Photo #161-44-2387. Courtesy of the Cornaby Family.
Staff members of the 640th TD Bn, 40th Inf. Div. at Guadalcanal. L-R: 1st Lt. Rupert K. Alldup, Atlanta, TX, 1st Lt. Robert D. Partridge, Columbia, MO, Capt. Jesse D. Thompson, Lodi, CA, Major Walter S. Lamont, Ex. Officer, Salt Lake City, UT, Lt. Col. Leslie H. Cornaby, C.O., Spanish Fork, UT, Major Frank J. Dalley, S-3, Cedar City, UT, Capt. J. S. Emery, S-2, Los Angeles, CA, Capt. Alex S. Hartman, Med. Officer, Capt. Charles F. Beckman, Dental Officer, Wantaugh, L.I. Dated 4-12-44. Signal Corps Photo #161-44-2393. Courtesy of the Cornaby Family.
Landing craft in the Philippines. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
Troops, possibly from the 640th TD Bn, boarding landing craft in the Philippines. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
Beach scene in the Philippines. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
M-10 tank destroyer of the 640th TD Bn. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
Vehicles of the 640th TD Bn while located in the Philippines as part of the 40th Infantry Division. L-R: M20 car-armored utility, M8-light armored car, M3 half-track prime mover for 3" gun and M5-3" anti-tank gun. Signal Corps Photo #161-44-2289, April 13, 1944. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
640th TD Bn officers of Company B while located on Guadalcanal as part of the 40th Infantry Division. Signal Corps Photo #161-44-2298, April 14, 1944. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
S-1 Personnel Section, 640th TD Bn, 40th Infantry Division, Guadalcanal. Signal Corps Photo #161-44-2390, April 13, 1944. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
S-4 Logistics Section, 640th TD Bn, 40th Infantry Division, Guadalcanal. Front row, l-r: T/5 Norbert S. Vierra, Richmond, Calif., S/Sgt. Don P. Paulson, Midvale, Utah, Lt. Arthur B. Carlson, Oakes, North Dakota and Pfc. Drewey W. Elliot, Marysville, Calif. Back row, l-r: T/5 Wilmer M. Dwyer, Croville, Calif., S/Sgt. Jack J. Abbott, Fort Worth, Texas, T/5 Elmer E. Claussen, Anaheim, Calif., seated: Capt. Jesse D. Thompson, Lodi, Calif. Signal Corps Photo #161-44-2388, April 13, 1944. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
S-2 Intelligence Section, 640th TD Bn, 40th Infantry Division, Guadalcanal. L-R: Pfc.Arthur Brennan, Sacramento, Calif., 1st Lt. L. H. Senften, Castleford, Idaho, seated: Capt. J. S. Emery, Los Angeles, Calif., T/4 Walter Owyoung, Locke, Calif., T/Sgt S. L. Halveson, Los Angeles, Calif. Signal Corps Photo #161-44-2385, April 13, 1944. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
S-3 Operations Section, 640th TD Bn, 40th Infantry Division, Guadalcanal. L-R: Major Frank J. Dalley, Bn. S-3, Cedar City, Utah, T/Sgt. Robert Christoffers, Los Angeles, Calif. and T/4 George A. Ludwig, Harrisburg, PA. Signal Corps Photo #161-44-2389, April 13, 1944. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
Village in the Philippines. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
M-10 tank destroyer, 640th TD Bn. They received 44 M-10's on October 27, 1944. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
Lt. Milnaman and Lt. Leo H. Senften. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
640th TD Bn reunion, Midvale, Utah, 1950. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
Lt. Col. Leslie H. Cornaby and 1st Lt. Jack O. Neslage, adjutant, 640th TD Bn. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
Major Walter S. Lamont, Ex. Officer, Salt Lake City, Utah, Lt. Col. Leslie H. Cornaby, CO, Spanish-Fork, Utah and Major Frank J. Dalley, S-3, Cedar City, Utah. 640th TD Bn, 40th Infantry Division, Mindanao, Philippines. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
Lt. Col. Leslie H. Cornaby and Capt. Joe S. Emery, S-2 Officer. 640th TD Bn, 40th Infantry Division, Mindanao, Philippines. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
Lt. Col. Leslie H. Cornaby, Capt. Joseph S. Emery and Capt. Blaine H. Johnson. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
Aussie and native scouts, New Britain, 1944. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
Lt. Col. Leslie H. Cornaby, Capt. Blaine H. Johnson and Mayor Frank J. Dalley, 1944. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
Capt. Blaine H. Johnson, Lt. Col. Leslie H. Cornaby and Major Frank J. Dalley, Guadalcanal, 1944. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
640th TD Bn armored cars and half-track, Guadalcanal, 1944. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
640th TD Bn, Headquarters company personnel while located on Guadalcanal as part of the 40th Infantry Division. Signal Corps Photo #161-44-2287, April 14, 1944. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
Vehicles and crews of the 640th TD Bn, photographed while located on guadalcanal as part of the 40th Infantry Division. Signal Corps Photo #161-44-2291, April 13, 1944. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
640th TD Bn, B Company personnel while located on Guadalcanal as part of the 40th Infantry Division. Signal Corps Photo #161-44-2295, April 13, 1944. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
640th TD Bn, A Company personnel while located on Guadalcanal as part of the 40th Infantry Division. Signal Corps Photo #161-44-2297, April 14, 1944. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
640th TD Bn, Company A officers while located on Guadalcanal as part of the 40th Infantry Division. Signal Corps Photo #161-44-2299, April 14, 1944. Courtesy of the Cornaby family.
Although we do not have positive identification on any of the four men standing in front of a row of M10s, the Bruno V. Lopez family believes their father may be the man on the far left. The photo was taken in Del Monte, Mindanao, Philippines in October of 1945. Photo courtesy of Bruce Rabe.
Anthony Vlasek is shown on left with Donald A. Rabe on right. This was taken in Pittsburg, California in 1943, while the two were on leave. Photo courtesy of Bruce Rabe.
A panoramic image of the Cagayan Valley in Luzon. This shot was taken in February 1945. Photo courtesy of Bruce Rabe.
A view of Clark Field, which was an air base on Luzon Island in the Philippines. Photo courtesy of Bruce Rabe.
A photo of Donald A. Rabe while on leave in Pittsburg California. Courtesy of Bruce Rabe.
One of a number of shots showing the men on guard duty. They would be required to do routine drills, wherever they unit were stationed. Courtesy of Bruce Rabe.
A group of four men in the Del Monte area camp. Courtesy of Bruce Rabe.
Here the men are doing drills, which were designed to keep them sharp and ready for action. It also reinforced discipline when the unit wasn't in an active combat zone. Photo courtesy of Bruce Rabe.
The men making sure they are spaced correctly. A normal part of any good drill routine. Taken while stationed in Del Monte on Mindanao, Island, in the Philippines. Photo courtesy of Bruce Rabe.
Donald A. Rabe on right with an unknown soldier, while on leave in Pittsburg, California. The date was Spetember of 1943. Photo courtesy of Bruce Rabe.
Another group of four in the Del Monte area camp, taken in 1945. Courtesy of Bruce Rabe.
Four men pose at the front of one of the unit's M10 TDs. The turret and main gun are facing rearward in the travel position and you can see the driver's hatch is flipped up. The photo was taken in the Del Monte area camp. Courtesy of Bruce Rabe.
A group of five pose in the Del Monte area camp. Courtesy of Bruce Rabe.
Another four men pose in the Del Monte area camp. Courtesy of Bruce Rabe.
Six men pose in the Del Monte area camp. Courtesy of Bruce Rabe.
A photo of the jungle training camp, set up on the Island of Oahu, in Hawaii, to train the men for fighting the Japanese. A similar "Nazi" training camp was set up at Camp Hood, Texas, to prepare the men for fighting in Europe. Courtesy of Bruce Rabe.