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661st TD Battalion
Shown is the "Blazing Bitch" M18 Hellcat of Sergeant Douglas Filbeck with a load of 69th Infantry Div. men along for the ride. The 661st was attached to the 69th from Feb. 7 to Jun. 16, 1945 Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Technician 5th Grade Douglas Filbeck on right with and unknown soldier on left. Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Douglas Filbeck on right with and unknown soldier on left. Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Another image of the "Blazing Bitch" tank destroyer with 69th Infantry Division soldiers along for the ride. Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Some of the mass destruction seen by the men of the 661st Tank Destroyer Battalion. Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Some of the townspeople serenade the soldiers. Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
One of the soldiers (on left) joins in with the townspeople to provide a little music for the troops. Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
The back end of Douglas Filbeck's tank destroyer while he was guarding the road for a four-star general to pass by. Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Two tank destroyers of B Company take positions for action. Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
A soldier carefully approaches two dead bodies. Their clothing seems to indicate that they were civilians. Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
The barrel of an M18 is positioned to guard a busy town square. Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
A posed shot of one of the crew of the "Blazing Bitch" tank destroyer. Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Close up shot of the infantry men riding the M18 of Douglas Filbeck. Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Open access doors provide a clear view of the M18's Continental R-975-C4, 9-cylinder, radial piston gasoline engine. At the time, the M18 was the fastest of the tank destroyers and could reach speeds of 60 mph with its 340 hp engine. Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
The business end of an M18 of B Company of the 661st Tank Destroyer Battalion. Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Three unknown soldiers, probably of B Company, 661st TD Battalion. Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Douglas Filbeck stands in front of his tank destroyer. He was the driver of the "Blazing Bitch" M18 Hellcat of the 661st Tank Destroyer Battalion. Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Two M18's parked with the chickens in what looks like a barnyard. Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
A soldier holds a long belt of .50 caliber ammunition for the Brown Machine Gun used on the M18. Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
Right side view of one of B Company's M18 tank destroyers. Photo courtesy of Janet Filbeck.
In 2012, a group of veterans from the 661st were able to visit the VMMV Tank Farm in Nokesville, Virginia. You can see in the background, a restored M18 Tank Destroyer, which was the 661st's combat vehicle during WWII. Shown in the photo L to R are William Snidow, Bill Wahl, John Golden, Bill Dawson, James Binder, Marvin Brown and Charles Rogers. Photo courtesy of Tom Slopek.
One of the unit's M18 tank destroyers, parked and with what looks like a cover on part of the turret. Possibly during the occupation period. Courtesy of Thomas Slopek.
Julius R. Slopek is shown front left with the Leipzig University in the background. More recent photos of the area show that the monument is still there but the old buildings of the University have been replaced with modern ones. Courtesy of Thomas Slopek.
A group of 13 men from the 661st, sit on the steps of what was probably their barracks. The men were not always training and during their down-time, they formed close relationships with the other men. A guitar provided pleasant diversion from the daily routine. Photo courtesy of Jim Gagliardi.
Five men pose for a photo. Photo courtesy of Jim Gagliardi.
Four men pose in front of an M18 tank destroyer. Photo courtesy of Jim Gagliardi.
Four men pose by their M20 Scout car. Photo courtesy of Jim Gagliardi.
Four more soldiers with an M20. Photo courtesy of Jim Gagliardi.
A little bit of horseplay between the men. Photo courtesy of Jim Gagliardi.
A Corporal poses for a photo. Photo courtesy of Jim Gagliardi.
Sgt. Philip J. Gagliardi, shown on far left in front with what is probably his entire platoon on men. Photo courtesy of Jim Gagliardi.
Sgt. Philip J. Gagliardi, shown on far left in front with what is probably his entire platoon on men. Photo courtesy of Jim Gagliardi.
Sgt. Philip J. Gagliardi standing back right with what is probably two other platoon leaders from B Company. Photo courtesy of Jim Gagliardi.
Two men pose with knife and rifle. Photo courtesy of Jim Gagliardi.
A single soldier poses for a photo. Courtesy of Jim Gagliardi.
A soldier stands in front of of a line of M18s. Can't quite make out the name of the unit on left but it starts with "Devil". Photo courtesy of Jim Gagliardi.
Three men pose for a photo. Photo courtesy of Jim Gagliardi.
Three men take a ride in a one horse power wagon. Photo courtesy of Jim Gagliardi.
Two men are caught out of uniform. Photo courtesy of Jim Gagliardi.
A little bit of play acting in overcoming the enemy. Photo courtesy of Jim Gagliardi.
Two soldiers in front of an M18 named "Batchler Buggy". Photo courtesy of Jim Gagliardi.
Another posed shot of a couple of men from the unit. Photo courtesy of Jim Gagliardi.
Two men try to move a piece of farm equipment. Photo courtesy of Jim Gagliardi.