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692nd TD Battalion Photos 1
Cpt. William T. McQuade Commanding officer of "A" Co. 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Cpt. William T. McQuade, 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Photo of "A" Company of the 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion taken at Camp Campbell, KY on March 16, 1944. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
"A" Company of the 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
"B" Company 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion - Jack Myers Tank Crew. Sam Fena, Chester Bartoszek, Joseph Kelley, Jack Myers and T/5 Albert Haschke in Tennessee. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Walt Gower on left and a buddy from "B" Co. 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion "B" CO. during training. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Walt Gower's gun crew during training. "B" Co. 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion. Walt is second from left. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Soldiers of "B" Co. 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion. Walt Gower is sitting above everyone else in the back of a half-track. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Member of "B" Co. 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion, during the Tessessee Maneuvers, Dec, 1943. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Members of "B" Co. 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion during the Tennessee Maneuvers. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Walt Gower standing on a porch over a Nazi flag somewhere in Germany. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Members of "B" Company standing on a downed German plane. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Sgt. Schmidt's crew, "B" Co. 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
The Transport Ship, William Few, which carried the 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion from France, back to Boston Harbor. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Members of "B" Co. 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion standing on the Siegfried Line. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion - "C" Company's PFC Ray Zander somewhere in Germany. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion, "A" Company's Hank Kolenda sitting on top of their M36B1 90mm. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
"Boston Bull" "C" Co. 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion. Shown L to R is Thomas Mysliwiec, Carl Lundgren, Harry Manko, Ray Zander, Eddie Wojak and Foster Wray. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Lt John J. Danahy with 3 inch gun used by "B" Co. 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion. Camp Campbell, Kentucky, 1944. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
"B" Company of the 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion on maneuvers in Tennessee, 1944 - Jack Myers is third from left. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Ernest M. McCullough of "B" Company, 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Ernest M. McCullough of "B" Company, 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
The Boys at choir in December of 1942. Back Row (L to R) is Smoky Joe, R. Smith, and E. (?) Second Row (L to R) is G. Popeck, E. Jacobs with Bernard Koslosky in front. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Photo on the parade grounds of Camp Gordon, GA on Nov. 24, 1942, Back Row is Thermon L. Pope, Popeck, Koslosky, Virron T. Layne, Jake, 6'-6" Jacob W. Markum and Smoky. Front row is R. Smith, Eugene L. Jacobs and E. Bednaz. Looks like they're going to sing a song. Photo courtesy Greg McQuade.
More songs to sing at Camp Gordon in December of 1942. George is front left with Merrill front center. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Tennessee maneuvers in January of 1944. The tents had a coating of snow for camouflage. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Ernest M. McCullough photo. He notes that this is a picture of the toy he works on and that is the whole crew. This picture was taken when he was on the range and won a sharpshooters medal for firing. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Thermon L. Pope from GA standing in front of the Day-Room. Ernest M. McCollough notes that he was the best singer I ever heard or saw. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Another shot of the boys at choir in December of 1942. Back Row (L to R) is Smoky Joe, R. Smith, and E. (?) Second Row (L to R) is G. Popeck, Eugene L. Jacobs with Barny Koslosky in front. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Ernest Merrill McCullough of "B" Company, 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion. Ernest was from Pennsylvania. Photo courtesy of Greg McQuade.
Receiving some instruction from Bernard Koslosky shown on far right. Photo courtesy of Ron Koslosky.
L to R: Ernest McCullough and Bernard Koslosky with an unknown soldier. All posing with the 692nd Company B flag at Camp Gordon. Photo courtesy of Ron Koslosky.
Frank Hughes from Philadelphia, left and Bernard Koslosky just before, or possibly after, Bernard's target pulling job. Note that he's wearing his mechanics overalls. Photo courtesy of Ron Koslosky.
From L to R, Clifford Carlon, Bernard Koslosky and Paul Griffith at Camp Gordon in 1943. Photo cortesy of Ron Koslosky.
L to R, Sgt. Wilford Sidebotton, Cpt. Thomas & Sgt. Blake at a training exercise at Camp Gordon, GA in 1943. Wilford Sidebottom received a field commision as a 2nd Lieutenant. Photo courtesy of Ron Koslosky.
Four chums in front of the Day-Room at Camp Gordon, Nov. 24, 1942. Mac, Eddie, George P. and Bernard Koslosky. Photo courtesy of Ron Koslosky.
Bernard Koslosky sitting in 6 x 6 truck he was assigned to drive. The truck was used to pull targets, with tanks drawn on them, across a field, so that soldiers could fire .50 caliber machine guns at it. Photo courtesy of Ron Koslosky.
L to R sitting on steps, Clifford Carlon, Bernard Koslosky & Ernest M. McCullough in front of the mess hall of Camp Gordon in 1943. The facility is located near Augusta, Georgia. Note the bare chested cook standing in door.
Motor Sgt. Stanley Kmieciak. Photo courtesy of Ron Koslosky.
Pvt. Cohen at front-right. Kenneth Myers, Charles Ashman & Clarence Flaver at rear. Photo courtesy of Ron Koslosky.
L to R, Bernard Koslosky & Clifford Carlon standing in front of "one of our weapon carriers." Photo courtesy of Ron Koslosky.
Bernard Koslosky, second from left, with his crew. Photo courtesy of Ron Koslosky.
Bernard Koslosky on left. Photo courtesy of Ron Koslosky.
What appears to be Clifford Carlon on the left and Bernard Koslosky on the right walking on a street around Camp Gordon. Photo courtesy of Ron Koslosky.
Bernard Koslosky in front. Photo courtesy of Ron Koslosky.
This was a Saturday afternoon and Koslosky's unit had just come in from a long hike and a workout on the obstacle course at Camp Gordon. You can see the men's double-decker beds in the barracks and their foot lockers. This wasn't all the equipment they carried. Bernard is shown second from left. Photo courtesy of Ron Koslosky.
Sign designating the 692nd Tank Destroyer Battalion and their presence at Camp Gordon, Georgia, in 1943. Photo courtesy of Ron Koslosky.
Bernard Koslosky, left, in front of 692nd Headquarters at Camp Gordon in 1943. Photo courtesy of Ron Koslosky.
A distant shot of the railway cars containing dead laborers at the Dachau Camp. Photo courtesy of Ron Koslosky.
A close-up shot inside one of the railway cars containing dead laborers at the Dachau Camp. Photo courtesy of Ron Koslosky.
One of the railway cars containing bodies of the dead laborers from other camps. They were sent to Dachau for cremation. Dachau was located 12 miles from Munich.
Berkely J. Arceneaux with a rabbit from his day's hunt. Looks like a little dog hanging onto the rabbitt. Photo courtesy of Ross Crawford.
Company C officers. L to R: 1st Lt. Donald E. Gordon, 1st Lt. Sam I. Goldberg, Capt. Ralph Florea, 1st Lt. William R. Scheffer and 2nd Lt. Walter A. Sustek at Rublingen, Germany, 1945. Photo courtesy of Ross Crawford.
William O. Emery (or Embry), on the left, and Forest E. Gates somewhere in Germany. Photo courtesy of Ross Crawford.
Forest E. Gates with what looks like a long pipe he may have built?
L to R: Ssgt. Donald K. Crawford and 1st Lt. James W. DeJarnatt, Frasdorf, Germany, 1945. Photo courtesy of Ross Crawford.
Since there are five guys here, this is likely a TD crew but there were no ID's on the photo. Photo courtesy of Ross Crawford.
The M36 tank destroyer that Sgt. Donald K. Crawford commanded. Photo courtesy of Ross Crawford.
Sgt. Wilmer R. Schmidt's TD and crew, no ID on anyone here. Germany, 1945.
An unknown sitting in a Focke-Wult 190 fighter plane. This was one of the best fighters of the war. Wels, Austria, 1945. Photo courtesy of Ross Crawford.
William O. Emery (or Embry) on the left along with Berkley J. Arceneaux at the German Military Cemetery at La Cambe, France. The cemetery is about 1 mile west of La Cambe. Photo courtesy of Ross Crawford.
692nd TD's lined up after the end of combat in 1945. Photo courtesy of Ross Crawford.
No ID on these guys. Photo courtesy of Ross Crawford.
Two unknowns sitting on a Messerschmidt ME 262 jet. The 262 was the first operational jet plane. Photo taken in 1945, probably at a captured airfield after combat ended. Photo courtesy of Ross Crawford.
No ID's on these guys but they're probably part of Sgt. Wilmer R. Schmidt's crew. Photo courtesy of Ross Crawford.
There was no ID on the photo but this looks like Forest E. Gates. Photo courtesy of Ross Crawford.