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704th TD Battalion
Monument located in Arracourt, France, and dedicated to the 704th Tank Destroyer Battalion for their efforts as part of the 4th Armored Division to liberate the city in September of 1944.
Photo of tank destroyer crew members of the 704th. Harry Traynor is standing first from left. His best friend John Prusaczyk is sitting in TD, second from left. Prusaczyk was killed when their TD "Blondie" was hit by two German Panther tanks. Photo courtesy of Erwin Verholen.
Grave of John F. Prusaczyk at the US Military Cemetery Luxembourg, located in Hamm, Luxembourg. He is buried at Plot H, Row 3, Grave 61. John was a member of the 704th Tank Destroyer Battalion and was a crew member of a TD named "Blondie" which was hit by two German Panther tanks. John was killed but his friend Harry Traynor survived. In 1995, a person from Luxembourg found John's engraved canteen cup and returned it to Harry. In the photo, you can see the cup at the base of the grave marker. John received a Silver Star, a Bronze Star and Purple Heart for his service. Photo courtesy of Erwin Verholen.
Fuel truck driver Walter C. Righton, also known as "Gas Can Wally", is shown on far left with two other men of the 704th Tank Destroyer Battalion. Photo courtesy of Erwin Verholen.
(L to R) Ray Parker, Wally Righton and Rod Torbich of the 704 Tank Destroyer Battalion. The photo was taken at a convention held at Fort Knox, KY, in August of 1987. Photo courtesy of Erwin Verholen.
A knocked-out M18 of the 704th Tank Destroyer Battalion. Further research identifies that this M-18, A Company's number 13, was the first TD lost by the unit. Three of the men were killed in the encounter at the town of Rennes but Sgt. Roger Turcan survived the hits (and the fire) and continued to load and fire the gun (their entire 20 rounds) until he had neutralized the gun of the SS troops defending their position in the city. Sgt. Turcan received a Silver Star for his actions. Photo courtesy Erwin Verholen.
Combat medic, Richard Bowman, of the 704th Tank Destroyer Battalion's medical attachment is shown in a German "Schwimmwagen" somewhere in Normandy in 1944. The Schwimmagen was manufactured by Volkswagon and was literally a "floating" or "swimming" car that had a propeller for use in water. This unit was left behind by the Germans and converted for use by the medics.
Richard Bowman, center, with his wife Lillian, on left and Erwin Verholen's mother on right. The Bowmans visited the Verholens' home in Belgium on March 21, 1993. They stayed overnight while the couple was touring in Europe. Erwin remembered how honored he felt at the visit and how much the Bowman's enjoyed the Belgian cookies they were served. Photo courtesy of Erwin Verholen.
(L to R) Larry Bennet, Richard Bowman and his wife Lillian at what we believe was a reunion in Columbus, OH on September 30, 1994. Both Larry and Richard were Medics with the 704th Tank Destroyer Battalion. Photo courtesy of Erwin Verholen.
Cpl. John Prusaczyk of Massachusetts and Sgt. Alex Egry of New Jersey are shown while on maneuvers at Camp Ibis, CA in 1943.
A few men of Headquarters Company. Shown in back row L to R, T/4 Ralph J. Lazzaro, T/4 John M. Lister and T/4 Vincent J. Pyskaty. Front row L to R are T/5 Perry R. Closson, T/4 John J. Bailey and T/5 John Maltese. Photo courtesy of Publications of the Saint Vincent College Center for Northern Appalachian Studies, Latrobe PA, 15650. Richard David Wissolik, Ph.D., Director.
The Medical Attachment of the 704th. Shown back row L to R, T/5 Boyd K. Danzeiser, T/3 Martin Skolnick, T/4 Lawrence A. Bennett, Pfc. George Barresi, T/5 Marvil S. Carlson, T/5 Ernest I. Miller, Pfc. J.W. Walker, Pfc. Ralph D. Hester. Front Row L to R, T/5 Harlow J. Garrison, SSgt. Stephen P. Antel, T/5 John J. Meyer, T/4 Richard Shelton and T/5 Richard W. Bowman. Capt. Richard "Doc" Buchanan was probably taking the shot. Photo courtesy of Publications of the Saint Vincent College Center for Northern Appalachian Studies, Latrobe PA, 15650. Richard David Wissolik, Ph.D., Director.
Some officers of the 704th taking in some evening air. Shown are L to R, Capt. Clarence J. Fogarty, WOJG Walter J. Praglowski, 1st Lt. Marion E. Taake (standing), Capt. Otwell D. Smith, Capt. Thomas J. Dowd, 1st Lt. John Augustine, 1st Lt. Marvin E. Evans and two unknown soldiers. Photo courtesy of Publications of the Saint Vincent College Center for Northern Appalachian Studies, Latrobe PA, 15650. Richard David Wissolik, Ph.D., Director.
Shown L to R, Capt. Thomas J. Evans, Lt. Robert E. Lane and Warrant Officer Walter J. Praglowski taken just after V-E Day. Photo courtesy of Publications of the Saint Vincent College Center for Northern Appalachian Studies, Latrobe PA, 15650. Richard David Wissolik, Ph.D., Director.
Capt. Thomas Evans and Prag (possibly WOJG Walter J. Praglowski) overlook the town of Landshut, which is bisected by the Isar River. Photo courtesy of Publications of the Saint Vincent College Center for Northern Appalachian Studies, Latrobe PA, 15650. Richard David Wissolik, Ph.D., Director.
The German Autobahn highway was so badly damaged by the Air force that American troops were forced to follow smaller roads north from Fulda to Hersfeld and then east to Eisenach and Gotha, which was captured on April 4, 1945. Shown here are elements of the 704th regrouping after a strafing attack by the German Luftwaffe. Photo courtesy of Publications of the Saint Vincent College Center for Northern Appalachian Studies, Latrobe PA, 15650. Richard David Wissolik, Ph.D., Director.
A few of the men pose in the Alzey-Furfeld area just before crossing the Rhine River. Shown L to R, 1st Lt. William L. Kline, 1st Lt. William F. King, 1st Lt. Edwin T. Leiper, 1st Lt. Fred C. Sims, T/Sgt. Jerome Gross, Dowdy (possibly Capt. Thomas J. Dowd), Capt. Thomas J. Evans, Maj. Crosby P. Miller, Capt. Richard R. "Doc" Buchanan (battalion surgeon) and Maj. William J. Horn. Photo courtesy of Publications of the Saint Vincent College Center for Northern Appalachian Studies, Latrobe PA, 15650. Richard David Wissolik, Ph.D., Director.
Still managing a smile are soldiers of Headquarters Company, Sgt. Charles Smith, T/5 Ralph J. Lazzaro and T/4 John J. Bailey. Photo courtesy of Publications of the Saint Vincent College Center for Northern Appalachian Studies, Latrobe PA, 15650. Richard David Wissolik, Ph.D., Director.
B Company's M18 "Bee Gee" is shown with Captain Pete Falloon, Comanding Officer, looking down into the turret. Just a few days later, on August 7, 1944, Falloon and Lieutenant Charles Kelly were be killed in an artillery barrage near Pont Scorff, France. B Company was supporting the 4th Armored's attack on Lorient. Signal Corps Photo courtesy of Publications of the Saint Vincent College Center for Northern Appalachian Studies, Latrobe PA, 15650. Richard David Wissolik, Ph.D., Director.
B Company's M18 "Bee Gee" is shown with Captain Pete Falloon, Comanding Officer, looking down into the turret. Just a few days later, on August 7, 1944, Falloon and Lieutenant Charles Kelly were be killed in an artillery barrage near Pont Scorff, France. B Company was supporting the 4th Armored's attack on Lorient. Signal Corps Photo courtesy of Publications of the Saint Vincent College Center for Northern Appalachian Studies, Latrobe PA, 15650. Richard David Wissolik, Ph.D., Director.
Taken at Tilshead Manor, where the Headquarters was located while the unit was bivouacked in the town of Tilshead, in Wiltshire, England. The men stayed in Quonset huts, which had been recently vacated by British troops. Shown are L to R, Captain Joe Costello, Adjutant, Commanding Officer Lieutenant Colonel Delk Oden, a 1937 West Point Graduate who had taken command of the unit in July of 1942 while still a Major and Captain "Herschel" Maslak, the battalion dentist. Courtesy of Publications of the Saint Vincent College Center for Northern Appalachian Studies, Latrobe PA, 15650. Richard David Wissolik, Ph.D., Director.
Johnnie Amacker getting around in style at Camp Ibis, CA, which was part of Patton's Desert Training Center. Many of the TD unit's, including the 704th, spent time there for training. Photo courtesy of James B.Graham, III
Johnnie Amacker and his crew posing for a photo. Photo location is possibly Pine Camp, NY or Camp Hood, TX. Johnnie is shown kneeling at right. Photo courtesy of James B.Graham, III
Photo of a USO show put on for the 4th Armored Division troops while stationed at Camp Ibis, CA. The 704th was attached to the 4th AD at the time and was part of the crowd. Photo courtesy of James B.Graham, III.
Another photo, from a different angle, of a USO show put on for the 4th Armored Division troops while stationed at Camp Ibis, CA. The 704th was attached to the 4th AD at the time and was part of the crowd. Photo courtesy of James B.Graham, III.
Johnnie Amacker (second from right) stands with a few friends at their tents at Camp Ibis, CA. Photo courtesy of James B.Graham, III.
Johnnie Amacker looks up just in time for the photo in this unknown location. Photo courtesy of James B.Graham, III.
Johnnie Amacker, on far right, stands with his 1917 Enfield (also known as a P17) and two unknown soldiers. Photo possibly from Pine Camp, NY or Camp Hood, TX. Photo courtesy of James B.Graham, III. Thanks to Joe Hinson for his information on the rifles.
The 704th was the first unit to receive the new M18 Tank Destroyers but they only received them in May of 1944, while the unit was still in England. Prior to that time, the unit would have trained on M3 units like the one on this photo. This photo was probably taken while still in the states and probably while the unit was at the Desert Training Center in California. Photo courtesy of James B.Graham, III
Johnnie Amacker and friend get some sun while stationed at Camp Ibis, CA. The Camp was part of Patton's Desert Training Center located in the Mojave Desert. There was plenty of sun and heat to be had. Photo courtesy of James B. Graham III.
A couple of unknown soldiers talking near tents, which were probably the sleeping quarters for members of the 704th while stationed at Camp Ibis, CA. Photo courtesy of James B. Graham III.
An unknown soldier probably going for water with his canteen in less than full uniform. Photo from Camp Ibis, CA. Photo courtesy of James B. Graham III.
A USO band playing for members of the 4th Armored Division while they were stationed at Camp Ibis, CA. Photo courtesy of James B. Graham III.
Another photo of a USO band playing for members of the 4th Armored Division while they were stationed at Camp Ibis, CA. Photo courtesy of James B. Graham III.
A USO performer leaving her makeshift dressing room on the way to a performance at Camp Ibis, CA. Photo courtesy of James B. Graham III.
A USO performer signs helmets for soldiers after a show at Camp Ibis, CA. Photo courtesy of James B. Graham III.
A meeting of the Platoon Sergeants while stationed at Camp Ibis, CA. Photo courtesy of James B. Graham III.
An unknown soldier taking a short walk at Camp Ibis, CA. Photo courtesy of James B. Graham III.
An unknown soldier, probably on guard duty, while stationed at Camp Ibis, CA. Photo courtesy of James B. Graham III.