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813th TD Battalion
This soldier's photo was shown in the lower right hand corner of the full battalion shot. I am told he is the only one who wasn't there for the large photo so he was added to the shot later. Photo courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.
Distinctive Unit Insignia of the 814th Tank Destroyer Battalion. Some have the unit's motto at the bottom, "Coup De Grace" or Finishing Stroke. Photo courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.
An enlisted man's collar insignia with unit number. Photo courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.
A group of thankful Russians who have just been freed by Company C, 813th Tank Destroyer Battalion as part of the 9th Army advancing through Germany. Shown in the foreground L to R are Lt. Rupert Frick of Jackson, MI, a three year old Russian child and PFC Jock Wilson of Terre Haute, IN. Signal Corps photo #405041 was taken on April 15, 1945 in Herten, Germany. Photo courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.
A burning German armored vehicle is just one of an entire German Panzer Division, which was completely stopped by a unit of the 813th Tank Destroyer Battalion as part of the 79th Infantry Division. They were caught retreating from a trap on the road near St. Aubin D'Appenai, France. Date was August 14, 1944. Signal Corps photo #193104 provided courtesy of Jasson Ferreira,
Another photo of the same column of armored vehicles caught by a unit of the 813th TD Battalion as part of the 79th Inf. Div. The entire Company was destroyed while retreating from a trap on the road near St. Aubin D'Appenai, France. Date was August 14, 1944. Signal Corps photo #193105 provided courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.
Shown is the front view of the turret of an M10 Tank Destroyer of the 813th Tank Destroyer Battalion. You can clearly see the 5/8" armor enclosure mounted over the much of the turret to protect the crew from shell-fire, snipers and grenades. The M10 was vulnerable from any such attack due to its open turret. Many such retrofits were done as crewmen tried to overcome the tank destroyer's weaknesses. Date was January, 1, 1945 in Soultz, France. Signal Corps photo #199129 courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.
American artillery shells and shells from four M10s of the 813th Tank Destroyer Battalion (shown in foreground) pour into the German-held Fremonville area of France. Date is November 18, 1944. Signal Corps photo #332188 courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.
Lake Standridge on right with an unknown soldier on the left. Obviously they were good buddies! Photo courtesy of Sue Standridge Douglas.
Lake Standridge sitting center in t-shirt with his guncrew. Location and date unknown. Photo courtesy of Sue Standridge Douglas.
Lake Standridge on right with an unknown soldier taken at Le Havre, France on September 12, 1944. Photo courtesy of Sue Standridge Douglas.
Standing to the extreme right is Dan Jacobs. Photo courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.
Identified only as Alexander and taken in 1944. Photo courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.
Shown is Marty Fink of the 813th. Photo courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.
Covington, Ballew and Webb shown with big, proud, smiles holding some type of prize. Photo courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.
Men identified as Tom Giles (on left?)and Tom Rice (on right?) with an unknown soldier in the center. Photo courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.
T5 Eugene Breedlove of Henders, NC stands with some type of towed artillery piece. Photo courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.
Pfc. Edward Gold of Morrison, TN and SSgt. Sidney Royse of Lexington, Ky make friends with the local children. Photo courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.
T5 William Simpkins of Wilson, NC inspects the dash of his jeep through the empty windshield frame. Photo courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.
Alan Tuck, who looks to be an officer, leans on one of the unit's M8 scout vehicles. Photo courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.
One of the unit's M10s escorts some infantry down a city street. Photo courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.
Shown left to right is Ralph Bauer, John Skipper, Amos Cribb and Jeff Sinclair. Photo courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.
Only three men are identified, Bill Barnwell on far left, Milo Kovac is third from left and Larry Sevdy is on far right. Photo courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.
Three boys of the 813th who were natives of New Jersey. Location identified as Bad Reichenhall, Germany in June of 1945. This location is very near Berchtesgaden where Hitler had his hideaway in the Alps. Photo courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.
Harry P. Silver and crew on one of the unit's M36B1s. This particular one is named "Bathing Beauty". Photo courtesy of Damion Silver.
One shot in a group from a reunion held in Boone, NC which was hosted by Harry and Berniece Dunnagan sometime in the 80s. Harry can be seen in each of the shots with the blue blazer and striped tie. Photo courtesy of Berniece Dunnagan.
Another shot in a group from a reunion held in Boone, NC, which was hosted by Harry and Berniece Dunnagan sometime in the 80s. Harry can be seen in each of the shots with the blue blazer and striped tie. Photo courtesy of Berniece Dunnagan.
Another shot in a group from a reunion held in Boone, NC, which was hosted by Harry and Berniece Dunnagan sometime in the 80s. Harry can be seen in each of the shots with the blue blazer and striped tie. Photo courtesy of Berniece Dunnagan.
Another shot in a group from a reunion held in Boone, NC, which was hosted by Harry and Berniece Dunnagan sometime in the 80s. Harry can be seen in each of the shots with the blue blazer and striped tie. Photo courtesy of Berniece Dunnagan.
Another shot in a group from a reunion held in Boone, NC, which was hosted by Harry and Berniece Dunnagan sometime in the 80s. Harry can be seen in each of the shots with the blue blazer and striped tie. Photo courtesy of Berniece Dunnagan.
Here are four of the unit's Lieutenants, shown at the Imber Range. The range is on the Salisbury Plain, in Wiltshire, England. Most of the area was purchased by the British War Office and then finally in 1943, the residents were evicted to allow for American maneuvers, prior to the invasion of Normandy, France. Shown is Alan Dean Tuck kneeling, Milo Kovac on far left and Lawrence M. Sevdy on far right. The other soldier is not identified. Photo courtesy of Mike Tuck.