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823rd TD Battalion Photos 2
A number of destoyed buildings in Durwiss, Germany, which is 15 kilometers east of Aachen. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Bombed-out buildings in Gemunden, Germany, which is 22 kilometers northeast of Marburg. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
M10s of A Company, 823rd Tank Destroyer Battalion sitting idle in July of 1945. The unit was in Regensburg, Germany at that time. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
A German 88mm gun emplacement in an unknown location. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
German 88mmm gun emplacment in an unknown location. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Jim Whiting and E. Allensworth shown in coveralls near the barracks area. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Portrait photo taken in France of 2nd Lt. Nard D. Jacobson of A Company in Oct. 28, 1944. Nard rose to that postion through a battlefield promotion. Photo originally from J. Whiting and now courtesy of Charles Wilts.
What looks like another shot of General Hobbs giving out awards in Feb. 1945 at Birgden, Germany, which is north of Aachen. Photo originally from Terry Preston now courtesy of Charles Wilts.
In an unknown location, three soldiers of the 823rd, look through some wreckage. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
The unit's Executive Officer, Major Edward A. Costomiris stands on a street in Hongen, Germany, north of Aachen. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Bombed out buildings in mid-city Nurnberg, Germany with the statue of Emporer Wilhelm I on his horse right in the middle of it. Interestingly the statue, which was done in 1905 by artist Wilhelm von Rümann is still standing today. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
An Focke-Wulf Fw-190 aircraft factory near Magdeburg, Germany. This particular aircraft was well-liked by its pilots and some of the Luftwaffe's most successful fighter aces flew the Fw 190, including Otto Kittel with 267 victories, Walter Nowotny with 258 and Erich Rudorffer with 222 claimed kills (Wikipedia). Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Shown from L to R are Forsyth, Coons and Heath in Abensberg, Germany, which is in the Bavaria region of Germany about 100 kilometers north of Munich. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Portrait photo of Sergeant First Class, Earl V. Williams taken while in Falkenstein, Germany. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Group shot while in Abensberg, germany. Shown L to R standing is Tridico, Gerhart, "Me" and White. Kneeling L to R is unknown, Sitz and Fawcett. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
In March of 1945, the men assemble for an awards ceremony in Birgden, Germany. Birgden is located north of Aachen. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Wreckage of a German Prime-Mover in Bihain, Belgium, which is part of the Ardennes and just north of Bastogne. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Mass destruction in the main section of Durwis, Germany, which is 15 kilometers east of Aachen. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Entrance to Castle Rosenberg located in Kronach, Germany. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Distant shot of Regensburg, Germany with its cathedral steeples showing predominantly on the horizon. Today the cathedral is still the most important landmark of the city. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Soldiers shown L to R, Kroll, McEachern, Burton, Mitchell and Davis. Taken in Durwiss, Germany, which is 15 kilometers east of Aachen. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Standing L to R is Gerhart, Sitz and Churchill with Fawcett kneeling in front. Taken in Abensberg, Germany, which is 100 kilometers north of Munich. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Awards ceremony in March of 1945 with some soldiers identified, L to R text is Capt. Curtis, Lt. Pfaff, Lt. Crist, Capaul, Crisp, Johnson, Lormand, Burog and Renfro. Location is Birgden, Germany just north of Aachen. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Fw-190 factory with airfield and soldier identified as Arnett walking across filed. Factory is near Magdeburg, Germany. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
A Class "A" pass belonging to T/5 Edward P. Taylor for the enlisted men of the Tank Destroyer School at Camp Hood, TX. He was a member of the Field Artillery Training Detachment. Photo courtesy of Charels Wilts.
Photo session on a knocked-out Tiger tank in Euchen, Germany just north of Aachen. Shown standing L to R are Dutchman, Gerhart and Romero. Fawcett is sitting in front. Unknown soldier at far right. Note the bazooka penetrations on the turret, just to the right of the men. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
A knocked out MK IV tank disabled in Bihain, Belgium in December of 1944. Bihain is in the Ardennes just north of Bastogne. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Photo of soldiers taken at Abensberg, Germany, 100 kilometers north of Munich. Identified L to R are Hemphill, Gerhart, Tingley, Holmes, Allen, Forsyth and Heath. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
A knocked-out Tiger with credit going to A and B Company of the 823rd. Sixteen soldiers shown giving it a close inspection near Euchen, Germany, north of Aachen. It is believed that this photo reflects an opportunity for the men to return and examine the tank, which they had destroyed on October 11. The tank was part of the German 506th Heavy Tank Battalion. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts and additional information provided by Timm Haasler.
A victim of B Company, 823rd TD Bn, this Panther was disguised to look like an American M10 Tank Destroyer. Location is Malmedy, Belgium in December of 1944. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
A knocked-out German SP 75 in Bardenburgh, Germany just north of Aachen. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Soldier Arnett standing next to an armored car in Ligneuville, Belgium in Dec. 1944. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
A destroyed Sherman tank in Regne, Belgium, near Bihain and northeast of Bastogne in December of 1944. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Soldier Courchaine sitting in an incomplete Fw-190 near Magdeburg, Germany. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
An unknown soldier kneeling with a captured German 88mm ammo round. Taken in December, 1944 at Bihain, Belgium in the Ardennes. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
The town square in Kronach, Germany. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Corner of the wall surrounding the Rosenberg Castle in Kronach, Germany. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Another view of the wall surrounding Rosenberg Castle in Kronach, Germany. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
The old town wall and entrance to Kronach, Germany. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Peaceful street and river in Kronach, Germany. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
A small child walks near B Company's Headquaters in Falkenstain, Germany. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Unknown soldier, possibly "Stein" standing for a photo in Falkenstein, Germany. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Taken in May of 1945, the ruins of a church and castle still stand in Gemunden, Germany, which is 22 kilometers northeast of Marburg. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
The officers' day room in Gemunden, Germany. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Bombs and artillery have leveled this area of Gemunden, Germany in May, 1945. In the background you can see the Wohra river. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Not much left these buildings, in May of 1945, which are totally destroyed. A wrecked area of Gemunden, Germany. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
An unknown soldier holds an artillery shell just in front of the unit's M20 "Greyhound" armored cars and a very heavy-duty wrecker. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Captain Francis Wilts pauses a moment for a photo. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Marion and Judy Miller in Brownwood, Texas, 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Irma Poley in Alexandria, Louisiana, 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Polly Wilts, wife of Francis Wilts in Brownwood, Texas, 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts
Virginia DePree in Alexandria, Louisiana, 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Group of Army wives with L to R, Virginia DuPree, Darlee Sitz, Vicky Krehr, Mrs. Fruin and Irma Swanson in Brownwood, Texas, 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Frances Bruton of left with Virginia Springfield on right in Brownwood, Texas, 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Shown is Francis Wilts in July of 1942 as a new "2nd Louie". Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Shown is Lt. Earl DuPree while in Alexandria, LA in 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Newlyweds, Francis and Polly Wilts in Alexandria, LA in 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Lt. Clyde Burton doing a special pose for the camera. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
A Company, 823rd TD Bn. in formation, Lt Miller in command. Location is Camp Livingston, LA in 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Headquarters Company, 823rd TD Bn. in formation, Lt Raney in command. Location is Camp Livingston, LA in 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
C Company, 823rd TD Bn. in formation, Lt Swanson in command. Location is Camp Livingston, LA in 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
B Company, 823rd TD Bn. in formation, Lt Wilts in command. Location is Camp Livingston, LA in 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
NCO and Officer Cadre on the trail to Pike's Peak during a training exercise near Colorado Springs, CO. Date was August 27, 1942. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Shown is Lt. Poley. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Captain Krehr along the trail to Pike's Peak during a training exercise near Colorado Springs, CO. Date was August 27, 1942. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Photo of Francis Wilts, taken during maneuvers in Louisiana, Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Squad of 1st Platoon, led by Sgt. Pesaks during the Louisiana maneuvers. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
1st Platoon's Lt. Lawson Neel during the Louisiana maneuvers. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Haircuts and foxholes during the Louisiana maneuvers. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
1st Platoon Gun Commanders during the Louisiana maneuvers. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
What looks like payday during the Louisiana maneuvers. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
More haircuts and foxholes during the Louisiana maneuvers. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Herbert Goodman in what looks like a communications vehicle. Location is the Louisiana maneuvers. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
T/4 Oquist and T/5 Logan Rich during the Louisiana maneuvers. Notice the "Hack Jack" name on the jeep. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
1st Sgt. Love during the Louisiana maneuvers. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Two unidentified soldiers in an M3 halftrack during the Louisiana maneuvers. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Staff Sergeant Sam Woodard during the Louisiana maneuvers. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Two unknown soldiers with one possibly repairing a tube for a tire. Location is the Louisiana maneuvers. Photo courtesy of Charels Wilts.
Unknown soldier taking some much needed rest during the Louisiana maneuvers of 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
A soldier at a typewriter probably filling out those all-to-important reports documenting the unit's actions for the day. Taken during the Louisiana maneuvers of 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
T/5 Charels Widdop sitting on that M3 halftrack. Location is the Louisiana maneuvers of 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
What looks like a failed hammock and an unknown soldier making the best of it. Taken during the Louisiana maneuvers of 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Sgt. Navarez with one of the towed artillery pieces used during the maneuvers. Location is Louisiana in 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Unidentified soldiers shown during the Louisiana maneuvers of 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Lt. Smith during the Louisiana maneuvers of 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Troy Bishop getting his ears lowered in the official Army style. Location is Louisiana maneuvers of 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Lt. Wilts during the Louisiana maneuvers of 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Norman Sumner taking a much needed drink. Taken during the Louisiana maneuvers of 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Three unknown soldiers during the Louisiana maneuvers of 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Equipment inspection during the Louisiana maneuvers of 1943. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Group of soldiers shown during a pause during the Louisiana maneuvers of 1943. Identified from the front are Lt. Smith, Ed Taylor, Jimmy Ramsey, Cruz DeLaCerda, Ray Mitchell, Henry Mershon, Rogers and Burvel Voss. The rest are unidentified. Photo courtesy of Charles Wilts.
Members of the US 823rd Tank Destroyer Battalion, Company 'C' pose in front of an M10 Tank Destroyer on December 19, 1944. These men were credited with knocking out four s.SS/Pz Abt. 501 Panzer VI 'King Tigers' at or around Stavelot, Belgium. Shown L to R is PFC Robert H Crout (3489282) Columbia, SC; T5 Raymond L Clements (34209815), Indiantown, FL; SGT. Clarence West, (38385976) Lillie, LA; CPL. Buel C. Sheridan, Sheridan TX; SGT. Clyde B Gentry, Tucson, AZ and 2nd LT. Arion Revis, Klamath Falls, OR who was probably not part of the crew but was probably the platoon commander. Sadly gentry was later killed in action on January 18, 1945. The original Signal Corps photo was black and white but this image was expertly colorized by Richard James Molloy.