Unit History: Activated 16 December, 1941, at Camp Forrest, Tennessee, as a light Towed Battalion. Arrived at Le Havre, France, on 13 April, 1945, equipped with M18’s. Moved to Nürnberg, Germany, arriving on 3 May. Advanced to Pilsen, Czechoslovakia. Attached to 16th Armored Division. History text from the book The Tank Killers by Harry Yeide. Used by permission.
Combat Equipment: 5/45 – M18.
Commanding Officers: Major Frederic B. Mann (Original CO); Major Richard L. Kapsa (2/19/42); Lt. Col. Charles H. Read (3/12/42); Major Lee A. Rodgers (7/29/42); Lt. Col. George H. O’Conner (8/25/42); Major Meredith C. Engle (10/25/42); Lt. Col. Buhl Moore (12/25/42); Lt. Col. Floyd R. Brisack (2/3/43)
Code Name/s: Unknown
Campaign Credits: Central Europe……………..Mar. 22, to May 11, 1945
Awards: None
Location August 1945: Ft. Bragg, NC
Additional Information/Materials:
1.) Various Histories-courtesy of the Tank Destroyer Association by L. L. Gill, TDA Historian.
Brief History………………………………………………………………….3 Pages
Final History, Oct. 30, 1945……………………………………………..10 Pages
2.) Unit History – Published in February 1945, while the unit was stationed at Camp Hood, TX. This was just prior to them shipping to Europe. It has 68 pages which we have divided in sections for easier downloads.
Cover and platoon photos with names………………………………..32 Pages
COs, Unit Orders and a photo collage…………………………………21 Pages
Roster (Searchable)……………………………………………………………15 Pages
3.) Miscellaneous Documents-from the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum and Boyhood Home, Abilene, Kansas and courtesy of the Tank Destroyer Association by L. L. Gill, TDA Historian (*).
Transfer of TD Battalions to Camp Hood, July 17, 1942……………2 Pages
History of 33rd Tank Destroyer Battalion………………………………2 Pages (*)
Unit Inactivation, Oct 23, 1945………………………………………….1 Page (*)
4.) Group Photo of C Company – Although the photo is labelled 663rd, you can see by the company guidon that the unit is the 633rd Tank Destroyer Battalion. There is a full roster at the bottom of the photo which shows the Company Commander, Capt. Louis S. Schnarr, sitting in the second row with the campaign style hat. Sitting next to Schnarr is 1st Lt, John M. Hinson, 1st Lt. Louis W. Bruck, Jr. and 1st Sgt. J.D. Henderson. It’s interesting that the cooks, in their cooking attire, are included in the photo. The unit may have been station in Tennessee, since the studio that took the photo was located in Tullahoma, TN. Provided courtesy of Paul Stevens.
5.) Group Photo of HQ Company – Taken at an unknown location at 63 man strength. Provided courtesy of Paul Stevens.
6.) Group Photo of Recon. Company – Taken at an unknown location with 134 men. Provided courtesy of Paul Stevens.
7.) Group Photo of Pioneer Company – This was an early photo since the Company was still using the “Pioneer” designation. A full roster is included and Capt. E.R. Ailes is listed as the Commanding Officer. Photo was taken by Lively Bros. Studio so it was probably done while the unit was in Tennessee. Provided courtesy of Paul Stevens.