645th Tank Destroyer Battalion

Unit History:  Activated on 15 December, 1941, at Camp Barkeley, TX.  Battalion arrived in Algeria on 27 May, 1943.  Landed at Paestum, Italy, on 9 September, 1943.  Participated in drive up the Italian peninsula, then shifted to Anzio beachhead in February, 1944.  Withdrawn for training in June, 1944, to participate in Operation Dragoon. Landed on 15 August in southern France.  Advanced to Vosges Mountains near Grandvillers by October.  Joined assault on Siegfried Line in December near Bobenthal, Germany.  Fought German Nordwind offensive in January 1945.  Converted to M36 beginning late January.  Attacked Siegfried Line again south of Sarreguemines in March, crossed the Rhine at Worms on 25 March.  Helped reduce Nazi stand at Aschaffenburg at month’s end and capture Nürnberg in mid-April.  Reached Munich on 29 April.  Attached to: 36th, 45th Infantry divisions. Inactivated on Oct. 30, 1945 at Camp Myles Standish, MA.  History text from the book The Tank Killers by Harry Yeide.  Used by permission.

Combat Equipment:  9/43 – M10; 2/45 – M36.

Commanding Officers:  Lt. Col. John W. Casey (9/12/43);  Lt. Col. Edward L. Austin (9/15/43, then Major);  Major Paul W. Prior (5/45)

Code Name/s:  Furious

Campaign Credits:   Naples – Foggia…………….Sept. 9, 1943 to Jan. 21, 1944

                                Rome Arno…………………..Jan. 22, to Sept. 9, 1944 (Amphib)

                                Southern France……………Aug. 15, to Sept. 14, 1944 (Amphib)

                                Rhineland……………………Sept. 15, 1944 to Mar. 21, 1945

                                Ardennes-Alsace…………..Dec. 16, 1944 to Jan 25, 1945

                                Central Europe……………..Mar. 22, to May 11, 1945

Awards:  None

Location August 1945:  Hambach, France

Additional Information/Materials:

1.)  Brief unit history of the 645th Tank Destroyer Battalion – Located on the 45th Infantry Division website

2.)  Photos of the 645th Tank Destroyer Battalion – Located on the 45th Infantry Division website.

3.)  Battle Reports (AARs) – Except where noted, the following documents are from the Combined Arms Research Library of the Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum and Boyhood Home, Aiblene, Kansas (**), and courtesy of the Tank Destroyer Association by L. L. Gill, TDA Historian (++) .

             Sep. 9-30, 1943………………4 Pages

             Oct. 1-31, 1943………………5 Pages

                Nov. 1-30, 1943………………6 Pages (++)

             Dec. 1-31, 1943………………6 Pages (includes casualty)(++)

             Jan. 1-31, 1944……………….7 Pages

             Feb. 1-29, 1944……………..21 Pages (includes casualty list)

             Feb. 16-18, 1944……………..2 Pages (Report on Enemy Armor)

             Feb. 16-18, 1944……………..1 Page (Report on M-10 losses)

             Mar. 1-31, 1944……………….9 Pages (includes casualty list)

             Apr. 1-30, 1944……………….7 Pages (includes casualty list)

             May. 1-31, 1944………………5 Pages (includes casualty list)

             Jun. 1-30, 1944……………….5 Pages (includes casualty list)

             Jul. 1-Aug. 31, 1944…………9 Pages (includes casualty list) From NARA

             Sep. 1-30, 1944 (Part 1)….10 Pages (includes casualty list) From NARA

             Sep. 1-30, 1944 (Part 2)….10 Pages. From NARA

             Oct. 1-31, 1944 (Part 1)…..10 Pages (includes casualty list) From NARA

             Oct. 1-31, 1944 (Part 2)…….9 Pages. From NARA

             Nov. 1-30, 1944……………..10 Pages. From NARA

             Dec. 1-31, 1944……………..13 Pages

             Jan. 1-31, 1945……………..14 Pages (includes Intelligence Report) 

             Feb. 1-27, 1945……………..14 Pages (includes awards list)

             Apr. 1-30, 1945……………..10 Pages

             May 11-31, 1945……………..2 Pages (**)

4.)  Miscellaneous Documents-from the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum and Boyhood Home, Abilene, Kansas and courtesy of the Tank Destroyer Association by L. L. Gill, TDA Historian (++).

             Overseas Movement Summary…………..2 Pages (Pg 1 missing)(++)

             AT Defense at Anzio, Mar. 28, 1944…..10 Pages (++)

             Admin Report, May 11-31, 1945…………1 Page (Includes promotions and officer replacements)

             History of Co. A, May 11-31, 1945………6 Pages

             Troop Assignment, June 12, 1945…….18 Pages

5.)  A Company Photo – Taken in April, 1942, at an unknown location. George F. Ernewein is shown in the back row, 6th from the right. Provided courtesy of Paul Stevens.

6.)  Initial Information Report – A hand written report from June of 1945, addressed to the Commanding General of the XX Corps. The report provides information on the unit’s beginnings as well as Commanding Officers, training locations in the U.S., dates for locations overseas, attachments, campaigns, destroyed equipment, numbers of awards, casualty numbers, personnel levels and present staff names. Provided courtesy of Andrea Miller.

7.)  Photo Gallery