651st Tank Destroyer Battalion

Unit History:  Formed on Mar 13, 1943, at Camp Bowie, TX.  Disbanded on May 29, 1944, at Camp Howze, TX.  Personnel transferred to the 140th Inf.

Combat Equipment:  N/A

Commanding Officers:  Lt. Col. Dwight E. Moorhead

Code Name/s:  N/A

Campaign Credits:   Continental U.S. Service Only

Awards:  None

Additional Information/Materials

1.)  1944 Yearbook, dated 13 March, 1944.  Formal group photos of unit members with names.  Courtesy of the Tank Destroyer Association by L. L. Gill, TDA Historian.

                          Part 1…………………………….12 Pages

                          Part 2…………………………….13 Pages

                          Part 3………………………………5 Pages

2.)  Miscellaneous Documents-from the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum and Boyhood Home, Abilene, Kansas.

                          Special Order #105, May 1, 1943…………1 Page

                          Special Order #22, Nov. 9, 1943………….1 Page

3.)  One year “birthday” clipping – The 651st held a birthday celebration for the one year anniversary of their activation, which was on Mar 13, 1943, at Camp Bowie, TX. Courtesy of Jeff Williams.

4.)  Photo Gallery