5th Tank Destroyer Group

Unit History:  Unit was activated at Camp Hood, TX, on Sep. 1, 1942.  The unit then moved to Camp Young, CA, which was part of the Desert Training Center, on Apr. 23, 1943.  Moved to Camp Gruber, OK, on Nov. 19, 1943, as part of the X Corps.  They prepared for shipment at Camp Kilmer, NJ, on Dec. 27, 1943, and shipped from the New York Port of Embarkation on Jan. 2, 1944.  Arrived in England on Jan. 10, 1944, and then shipped to France, landing on Jul. 12, 1944.  Supported the XV Corps and acted as their Anti-Tank Section.  The unit moved into Germany on Mar. 18, 1945, and then into Austria on May. 5, 1945.  They shipped back to the U.S., arriving in New York on Dec. 2, 1945.  Unit was deactivated on Dec. 4, 1945, at Camp Shanks, NY.  Attached/Supported: X and XV Corps.  Information gathered from WWII Order of Battle by Shelby L. Stanton.

Combat Equipment:  N/A

Commanding Officers:  Col. Harrison Herman (Original CO, KIA while serving with another unit in the Ardennes Campaign); Lt. Col. Samuel R. Browning (9/24/42-11/23/42); Col. Clinton S. Berrien; Lt. Col. Joseph K. Gibson (5/14/43); Col. Leslie E. Jacoby (6/2/43).

Code Name/s:  Unknown

Campaign Credits:   Normandy…………………..Jun. 6, to Jul. 24, 1944

                                   Northern France……………Jul. 25, to Sept. 14, 1944

                                 Rhineland……………………Sept. 15, 1944 to Mar. 21, 1945

                                 Ardennes-Alsace…………..Dec. 16, 1944 to Jan 25, 1945

                                 Central Europe……………..Mar. 22, to May 11, 1945

Awards:  None

Location August 1945:  Sarrebourg, France

Additional Information/Materials:

1.)  Group History – 1st September 1942 to VE Day 9th May 1945.  Booklet was writen by group historian, Capt. Albert W. Wolfe, and published in 1945 in Salzburg, Austria, while the unit was stationed there.  Book is 40 pages long.  Includes historical information along with a list of enemy equipment destroyed and a few illustrations.  Courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.

2.)  Group History – VE Day 9th May 1945 To VJ Day 2nd September 1945.  Booklet contains General Orders for Awards and Citations for members of the unit as well as the one of the attached units.  Courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.

3.)  5th TD Group Annex – Additional material not included in the unit history.  Includes Personnel Roster with Addresses, Awards and Decorations, Command Post Locations, TD Battalion Attachments, Destroyed Armor Chart and an Autograph Section, which in this particular copy is blank.  Courtesy of Jasson Ferreira.

4.)  Operational Reports and Misc. Documents – from the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum and Boyhood Home, Abilene, Kansas.

          Aug. 1 – 31, 1944…………5 Pages

          Sep. 1 – 30, 1944…………4 Pages

          Sep. 1 – 30, 1944…………4 Pages (Unit Journal)

          Oct. 1 – 31, 1944………….5 Pages

          Nov. 1 – 30, 1944…………4 Pages (Includes 3 medal awards)

          Dec. 1 – 31, 1944…………5 Pages

          Dec. 15, 1944……………..2 Pages (Test of Bazooka on Mk V Tank)

          Jan. 1 – 31, 1945………….4 Pages

          Feb. 1 – 29, 1945…………3 Pages

          Mar. 1 – 31, 1945…………4 Pages

          Apr. 1 – 30, 1945…………4 Pages

          May 1 – 31, 1945………….4 Pages

5.)  XV Corps Advance Map – A detailed map showing the advance of the XV Corps as part of the 3rd Army from August 1st to the 29th of 1944. The 5th TD Group was attached to the XV Corps and received copies of the map when they were produced. This particular copy was signed by fifteen officers from the 5th, including the commanding officer, Col. Leslie E. Jacoby. The map was provided courtesy of Sylvain Castel, who lives in France and purchased the map in the town of St. Nazaire, which is a small town near Nantes, France.

6.)  Photo Gallery