Thank you for calling me about the website. I knew you were doing great research, but you have really done yeoman's work to put this superb website together. It is great to know about the heroism of a member of the Freindschaft and my own father's namesake.
Neil F. Hein, Jr.
Cascade, Colorado
Thanks for your hard work and for contacting me, Rob
Tom Campbell
Great job. I will send you some info asap. 8)
Joseph Arendt
Winter Springs,FL.
I have a photo of 49 Officers labled ( Officers 628 T.D.Bn. Fort Dix N.J. - Jan 6 1944. My father is one of the officers and it is 36 inches by 7 1/2 inches. Do yoy have it?
Sam Coup Jr.
United States
Thanks Rob,The site looks great.I'll be sending more pics for you to use.Maybe others will be able to ID some of my Grandfathers Buddies.
Judy Shedd
Jacksonville, florida
Thank you so much for the hard work Rob. I love this site! I am so proud of my Daddy and his fellow unit members and this just realy brings it all to life for me. I will post a link on my Facebook.
Janet Daurity
Myrtle Beach SC
*** job, Rob! Thank you SO much for all your hard work. I'm so proud that my Dad and the other men of this unit have been honored in this way by you.
Daughter of Russell Newbury
Mark Hammond
Morgantown, PA
Nice work Rob,
All those long loving hours show in this fine site to honor your father and all those who served in the tank destroyers.
Thank you for honoring their service.
Gretchen Kusmierz
Wyomissing, PA
Rob - what a fantastic website! I'm sure your father would be very proud.
Chris Nett
York, PA
Your website looks great. I am sure your family is proud of your hard work in making this an informative and memorable site. Hope all who visit and comment feel the same way. I can relate a little bit here as my father's side of my father servered in the 2nd armored division (Hell on Wheels) during WWII. Thanks for sharing the history.