Very nice website. I was unaware of just how important the Tank Destroyers were.
Thanks for all the great info.
Sharon J Mendenhall
Peach Bottom, PA
Robbie, great site. :grin
Keith Allen
Ephrata, PA
Very Nice Website Rob. Being a Veteran it is Always Great to see an Honor Posting or Dedication to our Armed Forces. Thank You, Keith Allen USN & Patriot Guard Rider (Standing for Those Who Stood for US)
Patrick O’Loughlin
Ft. Lauderdale
I am the grandson of Col. Logan C. Berry
My grandfather enjoyed a wonderful life and passed away at 97 in 1997
Harry Yeide
Hyattsville, MD
What a beautiful site! Thanks for filling a hole in the TD story.
Andrew Guthrie
Hey Rob,
I am REALLY likin' your website! I can't wait to add it to the samples on my website to show it off to people! :grin