very nice,I may have a few items to help you out. drop me a line
Brian Ritchey
Landisville, PA
Great web site. It is awesome to see you honoring your father and all the other men who served.
Adamstown, PA
Great looking site and interesting content! Thanks for sending me the link. I look forward to watching the number of men honored here grow!
Martha Alford Marks
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Thank you, Rob, for doing this phenomenal research and putting together such a wonderful website. I'm proud to identify myself here as the daughter of (and author of the bio about) Major Truman Alford. Your work has opened my eyes to a lot of things I never knew about my dad. Thank you so much for that, too!
Scott Davidson
York New Salem, PA, USA
Very nice website. I was unaware of just how important the Tank Destroyers were.
Thanks for all the great info.
Sharon J Mendenhall
Peach Bottom, PA
Robbie, great site. :grin
Keith Allen
Ephrata, PA
Very Nice Website Rob. Being a Veteran it is Always Great to see an Honor Posting or Dedication to our Armed Forces. Thank You, Keith Allen USN & Patriot Guard Rider (Standing for Those Who Stood for US)
Patrick O’Loughlin
Ft. Lauderdale
I am the grandson of Col. Logan C. Berry
My grandfather enjoyed a wonderful life and passed away at 97 in 1997
Harry Yeide
Hyattsville, MD
What a beautiful site! Thanks for filling a hole in the TD story.
Andrew Guthrie
Hey Rob,
I am REALLY likin' your website! I can't wait to add it to the samples on my website to show it off to people! :grin