Unit History: Established 15 December, 1941, from the 28th Infantry Division Antitank Battalion (Provisional), Indiantown Gap, PA. Originally a Light Towed Battalion. Shipped from New York port of embarkation on Jan. 29, 1944, on the Aquitania and arrived at Greenock, Scotland, on 6 February, 1944 and disembarked at Utah Beach on 30 July, equipped with M10s. Committed to battle on 2 August near Perier, France. Participated in envelopment of Falaise Pocket. Dashed east to the Belgian border, arriving on 2 September. Helped liberate Luxembourg, began assault on the Siegfried Line on 13 September. Conducted artillery missions in October. Converted to M36’s in November, then committed to fighting in the Hürtgen Forest in December. Shifted to Aachen sector on 8 December only to be ordered to the Ardennes during the Battle of the Bulge. Fought to eliminate Bulge in January 1945. Crossed Roer River beginning 25 February and reached the Rhine on 10 March. Crossed the Rhine on 31 March at Wesel. Slashed through Germany to the Elbe River by 11 April. Attacked back west to eliminate German pockets. Took up occupation duties on 26 April near Peine. Attached to: 82d Airborne Division; 3d, 5th Armored divisions; 75th Infantry Division. Deactivated at Camp Myles Standish, MA on Nov. 14, 1945. History text from the book The Tank Killers by Harry Yeide. Used by permission.
Combat Equipment: 8/44 – M10; 11/44 – M36.
Commanding Officers: William M. Hernandez (KIA 8/20/44). William J. Gallagher (8/20/44)
Code Name/s: Victory, Highstorm
Campaign Credits: Northern France…………..Jul. 25, to Sept. 14, 1944
Rhineland……………………Sept. 15, 1944 to Mar. 21, 1945
Ardennes-Alsace…………..Dec. 16, 1944 to Jan 25, 1945
Central Europe……………..Mar. 22, to May 11, 1945
Awards: Distinguished Unit Citation -29 Nov-8 Dec 44, WD GO 31-47, Co. C only Croix De Guerre (French or Belgium “Cross of War”)
Location August 1945: Neersen, Germany
Additional Information/Materials:
1.) Detailed History of the Unit – Official Unit History “Victory TD” done by the unit on June 7, 1945. From the Combined Arms Research Library of the Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Section 1………….Pages Cover to 39 (Includes unit losses and early history)
Section 2………….Pages 40 to 77 (Cont. of history, enemy loss stats and HQ Staff section)
Section 3………….Pages 78 to 110 (Staff cont. A and B Companies)
Section 4………….Pages 111 to 147 (Staff cont. B and C Companies)
Section 5………….Pages 148 to 176 (Staff cont. C and Recon. Companies/Medical Detachment)
Awards and Decorations………7 Pages (Originally part of Unit History)
Commendations………………..2 Pages (Originally part of Unit History)
Unit Roster……………………..18 Pages (Originally part of Unit History)
Map of Travels in U.S.A……….1 Page (Also included in Unit History)
Map of Travels in Great Britain 1 Page (Also included in Unit History)
Map of Travels in Europe………1 Page (Also included in Unit History)
2.) Officers of the 628th Tank Destroyer Battalion – Photo taken Jan. 6, 1944, at Fort Dix, NJ.
NOTE: Interestingly, the photo listed above was provided to me by the family of Capt. R.J. Arendt. In that photo, seated center and center right are the two senior officers. Seated just right of center is Battalion Commander, Lt. Col. William M. Hernandez. Just right of Hernandez is Maj. William J. Gallagher, Battalion Executive Officer. On August 20th, 1944, while directing indirect fire during the Battle of the Seine River, near Douains, France, Lt. Col. Hernandez was killed at 1630 hours. At 1700 hours Maj. Gallagher assumed command of the unit. Capt. Arendt is shown seated, 6th from the right. He transferred to the HQ Co. 6th TD Group (my father’s unit) along with Capt. Thomas M. Cook, while they were stationed in southern England preparing for the D-Day invasion. 1st Lieutenant Herbert A. Pratte is shown sitting, fifth from the right.
3.) After Action Reports – from the Combined Arms Research Library of the Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.
Aug. 1 to 31, 1944…………..7 Pages (Includes casualties)
Sept. 1 to 30, 1944…………..7 Pages (Includes casualties)
Oct. 1 to 31, 1944……………3 Pages (Includes casualties)
Nov. 1 to 30, 1944…………..3 Pages (Includes casualties)
Dec. 1 to 31, 1944……………7 Pages (Includes casualties)
Jan. 1 to 31, 1945……………6 Pages (Includes casualties)
Feb. 1 to 28, 1945……………3 Pages
Mar. 1 to 31, 1945………….10 Pages (Includes casualties, awards & reinforcements)
Apr. 1 to 30, 1945………….13 Pages (Includes casualties)
4.) Unit Journals-from the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum and Boyhood Home, Abilene, Kansas.
Sept. 1-30, 1944……………..9 Pages
Oct. 1-31, 1944………………4 Pages (Page 3 is illegible)
Nov. 1-30, 1944……………..5 Pages
Dec. 1-31, 1944…………….10 Pages
Jan. 1-31, 1945………………9 Pages
Feb. 1-28, 1945………………6 Pages (Page 5 missing)
5.) Miscellaneous Documents-from the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum and Boyhood Home, Abilene, Kansas
Combat History, HQ Company, Aug. 2-Dec. 7, 1944…………………7 Pages
Company Diary, A Company, Nov. 28, 1944-Jan. 25, 1945………..6 Pages
Company Diary, C Company, Oct. 1-31, 1944…………………………1 Page
G-3 Periodic Reports, Feb-June, 1944……………………………………6 Pages
Battle Experience Report, Sept. 30, 1944……………………………….2 Pages
Effect of 90mm gun on Enemy Tanks…………………………………….1 Page
G. O. #59, Lt. Col. Hernandez DSC Award, Sept. 13, 1944…………1 Page
History, 1944…………………………………..19 Pages (Includes casualties & awards)
Various Documents, 1941-1945……………31 Pages (Includes awards)
6.) B Company Group Photo – Taken in April of 1942, at Camp Livingston, Louisiana, while the unit was station there. The unit was commanded by 1st Lt. Charles A. Cocoran who came from the 107th Field Artillery Bn. and 1st Lt. Leonard Dotson who came from the 108th Field Artillery Bn. Cocoran would end the war as a Lt. Colonel. The unit history indicates that all of the officers came from Field Artillery uinits. A full roster is provided at the top of the photo. Courtesy of Paul Stevens.
7.) C Company Pictorial – A two page pictorial identified as being taken in 1942 by “Woltz” of the Fort Des Moines Studio in Iowa. Captain William J. Gallagher commanding with 1st Lt. L.W. Merz and H.C. Randolph as second and third in command along with top enlisted soldier, 1st Sgt. I. H. Luckey. Provided courtesy of Sylvia Whittaker whose father, Lonnie J. Sine, served in the unit.
8.) Photo Gallery