811th Tank Destroyer Battalion

Unit History:  Activated 10 April, 1942, at Camp Gordon, Georgia.  Arrived at Cherbourg, France, on 15 September, 1944, equipped with M18’s.  Moved to Luxembourg in November and participated in the Battle of the Bulge in December.  The battalion was scattered widely and pieces attached to many divisions into January, 1945. Supported operations against the Siegfried Line in February and early March.  Advanced to the Rhine in late March and crossed river on 30 March.  Supported 80th Infantry Division in capture of Kassel and advance to Erfurt and Chemnitz in April.  Moved south and crossed Danube River to Regensburg.  Entered Austria on 5 May.  Attached to: 17th, 101st Airborne divisions; 4th, 9th, 11th Armored divisions; 28th, 78th, 80th, 87th, 89th Infantry divisions; 3d Cavalry Group.  History text from the book The Tank Killers by Harry Yeide.  Used by permission.

Combat Equipment: 11/44 – M18

Commanding Officers:  Lt. Col. Louis W. Haskell (4/23/42);  Capt. John Fliesch (7/13/42);  Lt. Col. E. A. O’Hair (7/22/42);  Lt. Col. Albert R. Brownfield Jr. (3/2/43)

Code Name/s:  Chimney

Campaign Credits:   Rhineland……………………Sept. 15, 1944 to Mar. 21, 1945

                                 Ardennes-Alsace…………..Dec. 16, 1944 to Jan 25, 1945

                                 Central Europe……………..Mar. 22, to May 11, 1945

Awards:   Distinguished Unit Citation – 18-27 Dec 44, WD GO 17-45, Co C only

                Croix De Guerre (French or Belgium “Cross of War”)

Location August 1945:  Beurig, Germany

Additional Information/Materials:

1.)  History of the 811th Tank Destroyer Battalion – Pages 1 to 41

2.)  History of the 811th Tank Destroyer Battalion – Pages 42 to 80

3.)  Recon. 2nd Platoon History – An eleven page document prepared by Technician 5th Grade Richard C. Chapman, who served in the platoon. He identifies it as a memorandum and written from his memory after the war. It contains a list of platoon personnel past and present with their rank, military job and home addresses. The document is provided courtesy of Richard’s granddaughter Zoe Johnson.

4.)  Unit Roster – This is an excerpt from the Unit History and includes both a list of men as they arrived in France and a list with addresses that was probably done at the end of the war.

5.)  Decorations List – This is an excerpt from the Unit History with all the awards given to particular soldiers.

6.)  Wounded List – This is an excerpt from the Unit History with all those that were wounded and received Purple Heart Medals.

7.)  Casualties List – This is an excerpt from the Unit History with all those that were KIA (Killed in Action), LWA (Lightly Wounded in Action), SWA (Seriously Wounded in Action), MIA (Missing in Action) and LIA (Lightly Injured in Action).

8.)  Photo Gallery

9.)  After Action Reports – from the Combined Arms Research Library of the Command and General Staff College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas.

              Nov. 23-30, 1944………….2 Pages

              Dec. 1-31, 1944………….10 Pages (Some areas difficult to read)

              Dec. 1-31, 1944……………3 Pages (Company A)

              Dec. 1-31, 1944……………4 Pages (Company C)

              Jan. 1-31, 1945…………..16 Pages

              Feb. 1-28, 1945…………..14 Pages

              Mar. 1-31, 1945…………..15 Pages

              Apr. 1-30, 1945…………..14 Pages (Some areas difficult to read)

              May 1-31, 1945…………..13 Pages

10.)  Miscellaneous Documents – from the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library, Museum and Boyhood Home, Abilene, Kansas.

              Troop Assignment #45, Oct. 13, 1944………………………4 Pages

11.)  Reunion Photos:

               2nd Annual Reunion – Photo taken at Dayton, Ohio, on August 3 or 4, 1956. Shown is George M. Jordan stitting in 4th row, 2nd from left. Roy F. Berry is in last row 1st on left. Courtesy of Jerry Jordan.

               3rd Annual Reunion – Photo taken at Louisville, Kentucky, in 1957. Shown is George M. Jordan in 3rd row, 3rd from left. Roy F. Berry is in front row, 6th from left. Courtesy of Jerry Jordan.

               4th Annual Reunion – Photo taken at Cleveland, Ohio, in 1958. Shown is Roy F. Berry in first row, on far right. George M. Jordan is in second row, 4th from left. Courtesy of Jerry Jordan.

               5th Annual Reunion – Photo possibly taken at Indianapolis, Indiana, in 1959. Shown is Roy F. Berry in 3rd row (sitting), 4th from the left. George M. Jordan, 3rd row, 6th from the left. Wesley Berger is 7th. Courtesy of Jerry Jordan.

               14th Annual Reunion – Photo taken at Dayton, Ohio, in 1968. This particular image includes all family members that attended. Courtesy of Jerry Jordan.

               16th Annual Reunion – Photo taken at Indianapolis, Indiana, on August 7, 8 ot 9, 1970. All names are provided on page two of the image. Courtesy of Jerry Jordan.

               34th Annual Reunion – Photo taken on August 6, 1988, at Richmond, IN. Shown in front row, Robert Teeple, 2nd from left; Virgil Murphy, 4th from left; Dunbar D. MacNemar, 6th from left; George Jordan, 8th from left; Willard Willams, 12th from left. Middle row, George Weber, 5th from left; Ray Cohorst, 6th from left; Roy Berry, 11th from left; Back row, Millard Dickinson, 10th from left. Person identification by Jerry Jordan, photo courtesy of Barbara MacNemar.

               36th Annual Reunion – Photo taken at South Bend, Indiana, in 1990. All names are provided on page two of the image. Courtesy of Jerry Jordan.

12.)  Transfer Orders – Personnel from Camp Gordon, GA to Fort Hood, TX for the Enlisted Pioneer Course at the Tank Destroyer School, dated September 3, 1942. Documents courtesy of Chip Hank.

13.)  Tradition and History – A three page document providing both the early history back to 1792, and it’s current station at the time of the writing when it was stationed in Camp Carson, Colorado, in April 1943. It was prepared by the unit’s S-2 & S-3 sections and provided courtesy of Joel Hamby.

14.)  Commendation HQ 5th Tank Destroyer Group – A commendation by 5th TD Group Commander, Col. L.E. Jacoby, while the 811th was stationed at Camp Laguna, Arizona concerning their performance during the IX Corps maneuvers from June 25, 1943 to July 17, 1943.

15.)  Commendation HQ 9th Armored Division – A commendation by 9th Armored Commander, Major General John W. Leonard, while the 811th fought in the areas of St. Vith and Bastogne in late December of 1944. Provided courtesy of Joel Hamby.

16.)  Boys from the 811 – A poem by Corporal W. L. Wilson, written while he was stationed in France. Provided courtesy Joel Hamby.